So the traditional ethnic Caldari—Deteis and Civre—groups up in the hinterlands and the mountains of Caldari Prime, who don’t seem to object to being in the Federation, don’t get a say in things?
I mean, I can understand wanting to reclaim a home, but there’s people living there who have as much, if not more, claim to the place: they never left. My Clan faced much the same situation when our blood returned to Mikramurka after the Rebellion, normal population growth meant there were people living in the places we thought of as ‘home’. Tempers flared, harsh words and a few blows were exchanged… and some of us stayed there, with the others, while the Clan itself re-established itself as spacers.
Life fills in the gaps. The Caldari left a big one when they left, but… life still fills in, and if the State forces native Deteis and Civire to abandon their traditional Caldari lifestyle—if the Megas come in as outsiders and force them to abandon being Caldari, in their way—then how is that any less than what the State objects to from Gallente imperialist liberalism?