Can someone help Mizhir connect the dots?
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Mizhir insinuates pilot with Mizhir has about Mizhir is a hypocrite
14.5k kills on record 1/4 as many kills. who should probably stick to
is not relevant and is "retired" from spectating combat rather than
combat giving advice on it
We’re talking about combat in our warzone. The AT is a respected event attended by countless capsuleers, but is ultimately irrelevant in the context of the discussion of how a UK freighter came to explode over Floseswin. Your commentary is about as sophisticated and insightful as the deranged musings of inebriated trainer of slaver hounds, boasting that their contributions to the cluster are more relevant than anyone else’s because of course, who else has trained more slaver hounds. To try my hand at metaphor: Entering onto every field with your own goalpost to set around the ball makes scoring points easy, but only works if none notice the lumbering frame you move along the grass.