You of all people attempting to invoke a social taboo is… amusing at least, thank you for that.
I am currently retired from active combat. However you can see on my board that I have plenty of combat experiance from various roles, including leading fleets and leading fleets. Anything else?
I have no idea why I’d be any worse than anyone else for that, but lucky for you I wasn’t trying to invoke a taboo, just to point out you were rude.
What is rudeness if not impudence or discourtesy? For you, who as a matter of course treats so the most basic tenet of my people, to take issue that others do not observe the courtesies of yours, is indeed a source of particular amusement.
What’s the difference between a taboo and merely being rude, you ask? And what’s the difference between telling a story that denounces the Rite, and trying to tell you how you should count who belongs to it?
Are these not obvious?
I did not ask, I all but stated there is little; rudeness is at its core to act contrary to the admonitions of pudency, that is to say modesty or shame.
For the purpose of this conversation it is futile to compare rudeness, you and I find very different things to be shameful.
I’m not sure I understand the question.
Your composition ? Are you a block of salt ? I don’t know that salty mud is harmful. And of course relative volumes and dilution and all that.
I don’t know that Arrendis dissolves in water either, and don’t really have any inclination to get her wet and find out.
Do you really expect the guy who claimed to have obliterated all eukaryotic life on Bosboger I with a single Astahus to make sense?
I like to be optimistic.
I mean, a lot of people do that, no? It’s pretty much industry standard; you recreate events sometimes to get footage that better represents to the average viewer what it was like than combat footage that might be zoomed out and technical and frankly, not very interesting.
It is like storytelling: a myth can be true even when it is not strictly speaking real. A holovid can depict real events even when not filmed in a real situation.
Using staged footage only becomes a lie if you use it to try and represent something that did not really happen as being actually real, or if you make outright claims it is “filmed in real battle” when it is not.
Kind of like Scripture becomes problematic when you push it as the truth, instead of a truth, now that I think about it.
Quite true, and not surprising really. I had not had my coffee at the time I made my posting.
This is very well said. While operational security concerns prevent me from confirming or denying the use of this technology, I admire the elegance of your simile, despite the base nature of its origin.
Can someone help Mizhir connect the dots?
• -------------- ----------- • ------------ ------------ •
Mizhir insinuates pilot with Mizhir has about Mizhir is a hypocrite
14.5k kills on record 1/4 as many kills. who should probably stick to
is not relevant and is "retired" from spectating combat rather than
combat giving advice on it
We’re talking about combat in our warzone. The AT is a respected event attended by countless capsuleers, but is ultimately irrelevant in the context of the discussion of how a UK freighter came to explode over Floseswin. Your commentary is about as sophisticated and insightful as the deranged musings of inebriated trainer of slaver hounds, boasting that their contributions to the cluster are more relevant than anyone else’s because of course, who else has trained more slaver hounds. To try my hand at metaphor: Entering onto every field with your own goalpost to set around the ball makes scoring points easy, but only works if none notice the lumbering frame you move along the grass.
A warzone that has been swinging on a pendulum since YC110. Once every few months or a year it swings so far that little men can beat their chest and pick a fight with everyone on the IGS. If you want a fight with your big ships go to null, I heard there is plenty of chestbeaters like yourself there. Plenty of fights worthy of your majesty, Leader of all Amarr.
They wouldn’t last a week.
And let’s face it, anyone who actually thinks killboards mean a damned thing probably belongs in the FW kiddie pool.
While I do not think killboards count for very much at all, I don’t think it’s reasonable to frame that criticism in such a way that denigrates the pilots in the militia wars. Having gripes with the CMWPA and how the militia conflict is carried out is perfectly reasonable, but it wasn’t exactly the pilots who negotiated it. Additionally, while the CMWPA exists in its current form, the Republic needs some of its loyalists to dedicate themselves to the militia wars.
A fair point, I retract the ‘kiddie pool’ crack.
The majority of the members of my corporation and I spent many years in nullsec, not days. We came out of it with the knowledge that nullsec is overrated and filled with people like you, people who just follow mindlessly the orders of their Fleet Commanders to shoot one thing after another, without any skill needed, whilst having a superiority complex over those who play differently.
You are a member of one of the most well known alliances for unskilled labour, so it is natural for you to think yourself superior to everyone else. I feel you wouldn’t last long in low security space where you have to think for yourself and fly your own ship, not just keep your Fleet Commander at a pre-set range and shoot called targets.
Any idiot with time on their hand can join a nullsec alliance and eventually get a large amount of kills on their record, thus making the number of kills a bad indicator on it’s own. Therefore I take other things into consideration when I judge a pilot’s skills in combat. Can they fly critical roles in fleets like interceptors and logis? Do they have FC experience? What is the general size of the fleets they fly in? Are they capable on their own? And lastly: Can they perform well in a tournament environment where skill is the key thing that seperates you and your opponents. Anyone who knows about my background will know that I am a capable pilot that has flown for some of the deadliest groups.
We’re hardly talking about combat in a warzone when it’s nothing more than a freighter gank. No matter how many rifters you blow up in the warzone (or anywhere else to be honest) will matter when this entire discussion is about the circumstances of the gank rather than the actual ‘combat’ itself, yet you and your baboons were the ones who started calling people keyboard warriors (or whatever terms you used), so I simply kicked the ball back into your half of the field asking for anything to support your own credibility.
So let’s talk about credibility, after all it’s the reason why I brought up the other things as well.
I have been flying alongside some of the best pilots in the universe under the banners of Goryn Clade, The Camel Empire, and Hydra Reloaded. I hold two Alliance Tournament medals which is something only few pilots ever achieve. I was the first person to cut open a Drifter thus gaining a big step in the direction of understanding the foe that killed Empress Jamyl. I have become a big name among pilots who hunt in small groups due to the contests I have organized, and sponsors would gladly let me handle billions of ISK because they trust me. I am respected by people in all four Empires and people in null and WH space. I might not be known in the warzone but I haven’t been much active there either.
You have a large amount of combat experience in the warzone which is respectable and I will not take that away from you. You deserve your credit for that. However, your trackrecord on these boards have clearly been problematic and your credibility has tanked hard because of that. First there was this whole ordeal with the Astrahus which you claimed wiped out most life down there, despite any other reports from there says otherwise. Then there is you getting called out by Lord Olacar xer Sarum for overstepping your bounds, which clearly also highlights your lack of understanding of the Empire you fight for. And thirdly there is your whole freighter incident.
It appears to me that you are nothing more than a servant clearly desperate for the attention of your superiors. Even with your long service in the warzone you are still not a True Amarr and you will never be. And ruining your credibility will only make it worse. I only got involved in this farce because your poor attempt to frame UK was an insult to the intelligence of the people of these boards, and do you honestly think I would risk my credibility if I wasn’t sure in my case here? So call me what you want, I am not the one with an inferior complex that makes me desperate. Nor am I the one to lose anything here.
Best Regards
Lady Mizhir Gillot Devara
Baronne d’Ars - Hueromont
Edit: I forgot to mention that your metaphor is quite ironic when you stage an entire match.
Well said.