Off-Topic Thread vol. 2

Didn’t ARC post an open bounty about 2 months ago incentivizing the hunting and destruction of Caldari Navy vessels for snippets of data?

Didn’t ARC endanger those very same people left in Pochven you claim to care about with that ridiculous “evacuation” operation way back?

Isn’t ARC even arguably to blame for the aggression of Drifters and their drones, having hunted the latter down fanatically when the first, harmless models emerged?

I could keep going but we’d be here all day. Anyone that takes even a cursory look at your organization and its history can see clear as day that you are nothing but a gang of irresponsible self-styled researchers that care for nothing but whatever curiosity has grabbed your interest at the time, something that in typical independent capsuleer fashion, you engage with violently and 0 forethought.

To imply that you are motivated by philanthropic aspirations is nothing short of laughable.