You do not, it is difficult to overstate your reliance upon the Federation for protection; furnishing a rebellion with the appurtenances of a nation was important in solidifying if not constructing support among the Gallente subject governments for extending such protection at escalatory risk the wider Federation.
You have been doing so for many years, and have been perhaps more reckless in the assertion of power than any other signatory in recent decades; what your successive rulers have been shrewd enough to grasp is that the position and power you speak of are factors of population, resources and industry, not only their peacetime scale but how effectively they can be mobilized and how resilient they are against inevitable disruption.
Faced with certain inescapable military fundamentals, whatever form and moniker are attached to them, Minmatar governments despite some incautious tendencies have managed escalation risks well (or were fortunate), and in the current incarnation have been successful in exchanging political support both in multilateral organisations and popular support via the large Minmatar population within the Federal borders, for concessions which significantly undermined the modus vivendi established between Gallente and Amarr during the reign of Heideran VII.
Yun is doing precisely what he means to, with about as much success as one familiar with the key players might expect; the Shakorite regime could not survive a sincere peace, your Republic could not survive an open war— while those truths endure, any ambassador will walk the same brink, to be combative enough that the Brutor and Krusual don’t eat them, but not so much as to either wholly alienate the Gallente or start a war in earnest.