Off-Topic Thread vol. 2

Pilot, as someone else with a damaged infomorph, I might a little bit understand your situation. Capsuleer training is easier than it once was, but it’s still not a trivial thing. Your infomorph is something that can’t easily be repaired or replaced. If it is in danger you should consider leaving backups of yourself, to be reverted to if corruption becomes severe.

This is common practice among our kind, even most capsuleers of your Faith. Even if damage is not completely disabling, keep in mind quality of life. Even if continuity of experience is preserved, a clone no longer capable of communication might not be someone you will wish to continue to exist as.

You may wish to set a specific line beyond which the question is taken out of your (current) hands. If nothing else, ability to communicate seems like an obvious one. A cloning that results in inability to communicate will make it difficult to live or even to meaningfully pursue your purpose.