Not at all, that was in reference to… Skarkon, was it ? that the Cartel invaded, claimed sovereignty over, and then the Elder-Thukker Armada showed up out of nowhere and spanked them most thoroughly ?
How exactly do the blood raiders, oh, forgive me, sani sabik philosophers manage to be the most incompetent outlaw group in the cluster so consistently?
You’d have to ask an actual Blood Raider about that. I have my suspicions though, mostly revolving around Omir Sarikusa choosing to broadcast a video of his old wrinkly butte as he bathed in blood, across the entirety of New Eden.
It attracts a certain kind of person, that kind of thing.
Seriously though, the Blood Raiders, being the extreme of the extreme, their culture is that of seeking to acquire personal power over above all other goals. This results in an organisational culture where people would rather screw over a rival even if it harms the Covenant as a whole, rather than do something beneficial to the whole group if it risks someone else getting any credit.
This is not conducive to the creation of a culture of competence.
It seems lately that every sort of lowlife is stumbling out of their caves to throw their lot in with this deathless.
Every buttehead criminal just has to jingle a bunch of shiny things, and capsuleers go “ooo, shiny!” and flock like psychotic murderous sheep to follow the shiny thing. It’s rather tedious to be honest.
With the notable exception being you.
I have standards.
They’re the best laser crystal. Heyooo!