Off-Topic Thread vol. 2

Probably because you are very consistent about what you say.

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So they’re just mad that I am not a doormat like them?

So I take a few days off, to do some work on this article, and I come back and everything’s going to hell in a handbasket.

Antimatter ICBMs, terror attacks in the Federation, slaver hounds with little diamond studded collars.

Has the whole cluster gone CRAZY ? Am I the only one who cares about the RULES ?

No. But sadly, who breaks them, makes a lot of noise.

Rules are make believe stories people tell themselves and each other.

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Without rules, how would anyone know who won ?

It’d be absolute mayhem.

A show where everything is made up and the points don’t matter.


Possibly because they’d all be accused of flip-flopping on principles long before you.

Yes. War is barbarism, no amount of rules can change that, applying rules is merely a self-deception to make people feel better about what they do.

There’s consistency and then there’s being a broken record. The IGS has gotten stale enough without looking at the same crap regurgitated in the same pile that I saw the same way literally a decade ago.


Uh, hello, yes, it works, ok


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Hello, Ria!

Believing in this world’s illusions won’t save you, sure-- nothing will, even being correct-- but hurling yourself into the abyss and inviting everyone to jump after you with a “LOL NOTHING MATTERS” isn’t going to help the way you seem to expect it to.

There’s more to real insight than performative nihilism, Ms. Tsukiyo. There really is!

I wish, so much, that it looked more like you were looking for what’s next. You’re not wrong, but it seems like you’re enjoying wallowing in that fact instead of exploring beyond it. That place where you are … it’s a beginning, not an end, and it’s not even a very attractive place to be.

There’s a dignity to those illusions, even if they’re lies. You seem to want to shed that dignity, but there’s not much you have to offer in trade: just emptiness. It’s not made less empty by being true.

You’ve made a critical mistake if you think it matters that nothing matters. And you do seem to think that. You keep saying it, over and over. So I’ll just ask this:

“So what?”

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Enjoy your meal made of your own words, Aloga. I worked very hard on its preparation.


“Nothing matters” is still better than “Random hierarchy I choose to be a part of (or, much worse, i don’t choose to be a part of) matters because it sets rules and goals for me.”


Nothing against “LOL NOTHING MATTERS” (indeed, it doesn´t), but do pay attention to when and where the questions/interventions present themselves.

Before the “in with the new” comes the “out with the old”, or if you would prefer a more exquisite presentation, there is a story about an overfull cup of tea that could serve as a landmark for your journey.

There are several ways to empty ones cup, the trickster archetype for example can playfully disrupt normal life and then re-establish it on a new basis, while destruction can shatter everything that one holds dear and clear the path for the desert of the real. A good dream or a bad dream are still dreams.

I ramble in this fine space as the words want to get out of me. Sometimes it ressonate with people, and we converse and interact, sometimes they are dismissed or put aside as matters of the upmost seriousness and importance manifest themselves as the cliffhanger for the next episode of this play, and sometimes it gets me the attention of a very cute Achura that i would enjoy seeing stripped of concepts and clothing.

Would you be willing to do it?

Yes, it is I, hello.

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No, This is Patrick

The trickster: someone clever, by turns kindly and cruel, cunning and foolhardy, incisive and blind; usually pretty egotistical and selfish and playing the role by accident half the time.

Sure, I could see you in that part. I wonder if you’ve really adopted such a constructive/destructive role, though, Ms. Tsukiyo, or if you’ve just slaved yourself to your own whim while persuading yourself you’re doing something profound and free. A trickster is rarely really wise, after all, and often a victim of her own clever mind.

And considering what whim sometimes calls you to do, I don’t really feel the need to aspire to your kind of freedom, Ms. Tsukiyo, either as practitioner or subject.

Oh well, all is good.
