Off-Topic Thread vol. 2

Indeed, I do find it somewhat amusing that seemingly every other post on a communications platform is being used for declarations of intent to cease all communications.

I do not Have an Accurate Count, but I Believe the number to be Between 5 and 10 Times.

At this point, the ā€œIm done talking to youā€ trope is Jenneths signature line.

Usually because Iā€™m talking to Arrendis.

What can I say? Sheā€™s interesting enough that I often end up responding to her reply, and at any rate end up giving her another go after a couple weeks.

You, like her, could choose to not say anything. Every reply from either of you is always signed with a ā€œIā€™M THRU W/ Uā€ and then it just never stops. At least stop ending posts like that. Just for consistencyā€™s sake?

If itā€™s for consistencyā€™s sake shouldnā€™t I keep it going?

All of you show all the signs of having spent way too much time talking to each other.

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Maybe so. ā€¦ I kind of love this place, you know? Diverse backgrounds. Real discourse. Extended, detailed reasoning. Itā€™s good.

Only ā€¦ egos, including maybe mine. Bitter, entrenched disputes. Apocalyptic thinking. Hate. ā€œShitpostingā€-- IE, intentionally posting something noxious and of low quality, fouling the waters.

This place has such potential, and it mostly goes to waste-- a pattern that seems reflected in the larger world. It gets ā€¦ so tiring. People joke, but Iā€™ve barely been here in months.

And yet, this is still one of my favorite places. Itā€™s like watching people dropping industrial waste in my garden. ā€¦ and maybe Iā€™m poisoned, too, and poisonous.

I donā€™t know what to do.

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You used to travel, didnā€™t you?

You appear to be wrong.

Yeah. That was before ā€¦ a lot of stuff.

Itā€™s less doable, now. I have responsibilities and people Iā€™m close to. Loved ones. I still like to wander when I get the chance, though thatā€™s pretty rare. Also, the word ā€œvacationā€ has, ah, not been a happy word for me for a few years now.

In a pretty real way, it seems that freedom and responsibility arenā€™t good friends. And with being trusted, and being trustworthy, comes responsibility.

There was maybe a certain amount of nostalgia in the immediate liking I took to you, Ms. Valtovist.

Theyā€™re not. But you have to have balance. Set boundaries. Carve out time for yourself. If you donā€™t, youā€™ll just drive yourself insane.

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You and I might set our preferred boundaries in slightly different places, Arrendis. ā€¦ Really, my way of thinking about it might seem a little insane to you.

Which might be why the non-negotiable thing you keep trying to negotiate just ends up frustrating us both.

From what Iā€™ve seen, noā€¦ not insane. Just deluded.

I can live with that. ā€¦ Iā€™ve been able to live with that. Can we just assume youā€™re never, ever going to talk me out of it and discuss other stuff instead? I mean, seriously, itā€™s been like four years.

It must be tiring for you, too.

Not particularlyā€¦ but then, I donā€™t know what youā€™d want to discuss that wonā€™t eventually lead right back to things like you believing I want the Empire to burn.

I wonder why Iā€™d think such a silly thing? ā€¦ To an extent itā€™s not even relevant, Arrendis. If you donā€™t, there are others close by who do, and very loudly. If my quarrelā€™s not with you, then fine, itā€™s not with you. You seem to kind of enjoy masks, anyway, and Iā€™m aware that not every apparent political stance is necessarily aimed at what it appears to be.

Only, has it occurred to you that in such a drama Iā€™d have to play my part, too?

In negotiation, itā€™s often wise to focus on places where agreement of some kind might be reached. Even if you do inevitably come back around to the differences, the rifts might seem a little smaller, after. We can take hostility to the Amarr as read; itā€™s inevitable, but also frankly boring. I get the ā€œwhy,ā€ I just donā€™t share it, and I wonā€™t no matter how often itā€™s said. Sometimes thereā€™s a usually-horrifying new wrinkle, but it mostly stopped being interesting literally years ago.

Iā€™m more interested in stuff like customs, folklore, religious beliefs, family structures, weirdnesses, needs and how to deal with them, or how to get you out of that disastrous mechanized costume that one time.

People. Ideas. Even ideals, if you can resist trying to drive them through my skull.

Weā€™re not the same. Iā€™m okay with that. Iā€™m comfortable. My perspectiveā€™s not the only correct one; in fact I wonā€™t even really claim itā€™s correct (Iā€™m still at best a seeker, myself, after all, not at all a master). But itā€™s mine, and it makes sense to me, and youā€™re not someone Iā€™d trust to tinker with my head. The reasonā€™s simple: I donā€™t think youā€™re any wiser than me.

But you are worth talking to, and I do like to talk, and I like to learn. That hasnā€™t changed at all. So can we maybe ā€¦ just ā€¦ do that? I wonā€™t even mind if you feed me some loaded material, like the Gallente did with the State after the Great War. Iā€™m not scared of people trying to bring me around to their point of view, and of course the Amarr have been trying hard, too.

I wonā€™t pretend Iā€™ll be easy to bring around; the Amarr have been finding me even a little frustrating. But Iā€™m eager to find out what Iā€™d learn along the way.

Iā€™m just tired of fighting endlessly over the same blasted stuff.

Consistency according to the words youā€™ve written rather than the past actions; I guess I couldā€™ve been more clear. Iā€™m just being grumpy all the time lately, so donā€™t mind me, stranger.

Itā€™s okay, Charles. Itā€™s not like it isnā€™t heartfelt each time itā€™s said, but ā€¦ well, yeah.

Itā€™s gotten a little comical even to me.

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Yes, I know, which is why I said:

Because the thing you donā€™t want to get into? It literally forms the foundation of all of that for us, to one degree or another. Itā€™s inescapable.