I feel like that’s often true of the insightful things I say, isn’t it? I mean, let’s face it, you know me better than anyone else here, so you should have an idea of how often I’m usually just riffing on things and flying by the seat of your pants.
By all the stars and eternal darkness, we mustn’t let people know an engineering section chief on an RSS station works for the RSS!!! WHAT HAVE I DONE?!?!?!?
That’s it! I shall have to take the Caldari way out, and drink the Hug Juice. This is a fresh liver, it might not kill me…
I don’t actually have any in the 'hus, to be honest. The Upwell protocols for industrial cleaning products don’t allow its use. Something about dissolving critical hull plating, I think?
Legally, no, it’s an industrial cleanser and engine degreaser.
But yes, the Stjörnauga have been known to drink it. I offered some to Aldrith once, but he turned a little green when the vapors hit Mitty’s nose. It was pretty impressive.
They are like Jump Gates that get people to locations, sometimes they end up where the panel said they would, sometimes they end up in Sansha territory.
I met her twice having been told a bit about her by Arrendis beforehand.
Returning for the second visit, she had done an impressive job at keeping tabs on me.
Uhm… like Arsia said, there’s really not much of a story to tell. The majority of the Clan works for the RSS, mostly as station crew in some capacity. Of course, the ones who aren’t station crew probably are station crew, officially…
But, yeah, Arsia’s met my mother. The second time, for dinner. There were no weapons discharges. But there was tea.