Nope. I’m just gonna point out to you that the Amarr god can’t be everything they claim it to be. For example:
The Amarr god is the absolute definition of ‘good’. And yet, evil exists. (This is the really simple form of the problem).
See, the Amarr god created everything, right? He’s omnipotent - all powerful. Axiomatically, he can do anything. So when he created everything, he set the initial starting conditions. All of them. To the exact precise way he wanted them.
See that ‘inerrant prophecy’ bit? True ‘Holy Prophecy’ can’t be wrong. That means their god has perfect predictive power. He has to. If he doesn’t have perfect predictive power, he could grant a holy prophecy that turned out wrong. So what does that mean?
That means before creating everything, the Amarr god knew how everything would unfold, for every possible set of starting conditions. If there was something he didn’t want to happen, all he had to do was change the starting conditions so the chain of events that led to it never happened. And we know he could do that, because he’s omnipotent.
So anything that happens, happens because he wants it to happen. On one level, that’s fine. God’s omnipotent, nothing happens against the will of God. Ok. But that means that every single bit of evil also happens because God wills it. Every single one. All of it. It’s inescapable.
But God is the absolute definition of good. So why does an all-powerful, all-good, perfectly-predictive creator create a universe where people will even turn away from him in the first place? Why, when he’s the one who made sure they’d turn away (by setting the initial conditions), does he require suffering, pain, and destruction of those who reject him?
Even worse: if everything happens because God wants it to… how does sin exist? I mean, Sin is disobedience to God. But the universe cannot disobey God, because God made it how it is, and did so knowing it would happen like this.
The Amarr like to introduce the dodge of ‘Free Will’, but the same predictive problem comes up: God knew every choice each and every person would make and knew it before the universe existed. So God, in choosing what starting conditions he set, chose every decision everyone would ever face, and every choice they would make in those situations. And he knew it, because he’s all-knowing.
Gotta be all-knowing in order to be perfectly-predictive, after all, and being Omnipotent means being Omniscient, because you’re omnipotent. You can do everything. You have every ability to want to have, whenever you want it.
So. If God is all-powerful, and evil exists, how can God be absolute good? If God is not good, then why venerate a sadist who has designed a universe where trillions of people suffer and die because he wants them to?