Off-Topic Thread vol. 2

When talking about him, it would be ‘Captain Aldrith Scumbag-Newelle, Lord-Consort Newelle’, as he’s hyphenated his surname with his wife’s, but that’s distinct from his title within her House.

Talking to him, he’d be ‘Lord-Consort Scumbag-Newelle’, ‘Aldrith’, or ‘Captain Hairgel’, I mean, duh.

Jeez, try to be self-deprecating once and people just run away with it.

Tough titties.

You know it, Captain Hairgel!

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I can say that whenever I need to address you, I feel a very terrible confusion about all these titles. Could you please give me the shortest way to address you, so it would still be polite and respectful, formal, with proper decorum, and will differentiate you from other possible present persons?

In military setting, Lord Marshal Newelle. In civilian setting, Lord Consort Newelle. Casually, Lord Aldrith and if familiar just Aldrith.


You must be new here :wink:

Nowhere is it written that is must be like this. This phenomenon is a product or the consensus consent of pilots that participate here. I’m relatively new here, and so I don’t possess the experience to clarify whether this has always been the state of things, or a more recent occurrence, or whether this is the product of a conscious decision. Whatever the case, for as long as so many of us respond to and encourage obvious bad faith troll posts, the quality of exchanges is unlikely to improve.

At the end of the day, we are the primary custodians of this space. If we collectively permit defecation in the community bath, then none of us are likely to ever emerge feeling clean.


Better men and women than you have tried. Just is what it is.

There’s an easy way to do at least something like that, though, ma’am: just make something constructive, and insist on keeping at it even if it has nasty remarks in it sometimes.

Maybe you can’t change the whole environment, but exceptions are easy.

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Part of the problem is the determination of ‘obvious bad faith troll posts’. Most of the actual ‘troll posts’ are attempts at humor, but in a lot of cases, attempts at actual substantive discussion get denounced and written off as ‘trolling’ because people don’t want to hear that particular substance.

I am well aware of everything you’ve stated. If I were so oblivious to the sources of funding in some circumstances, I doubt I would have made it as a capsuleer.

Please note that in my statement, there was a specific word used that makes quite a difference when it comes to the politics behind it all. If you are unable to determine what that word is, I suggest doing a bit of your own research into the nature of interstellar business.


Was that word ‘it’? I bet it was it. :smiley:

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Given my affiliations and historical position, I consider myself something of an expert of ‘How to be excessive’, and I’d just like to make sure everyone understands: There is no such thing as a ‘Ceremonial’ WMD. No Ceremonial Nukes, no Ceremonial Antimatter Warheads, no Ceremonial Chemical or Biological Agents. They don’t exist. Don’t be that dumbass.

I am 100% totally willing to acknowledge the humor in showing up with an inert lump of metal and saying ‘it’s my ceremonial Kyonoke speck!’ but really, if I can avoid being that dumbass, you can avoid being that dumbass. I promise.


I want to thank you in advance for not trying to show up with a “ceremonial nuke” or anything like one or a facsimile of one. I know how difficult it must be for you, dear.


Aww. See that, folks? She gets me. :wink:

But honestly, hon, it’ll be the easiest thing in the cluster to behave. After all, it’s your party.

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Technically a polished hemisphere of fissile material isn’t a weapon.

Just a very spicy piece of jewellery.

Miss Yubari has not been seen in some time. Someone should check in on her. Hopefully, she has not overdosed on that Caldari Death Tea she is always drinking.

Moving this here to not derail Alicia’s thread.

I’m using the normal safety cut-outs in the pod. I’ve experienced combat in… near as I can tell… every major category of ship smaller than a titan—wait, and Rorquals and Orcas, haven’t gotten in a fight flying those… did get into one in an unarmed Porpoise once, but hey, I lived. Or… well, no, the other me lived, but you know what I mean. :wink: Anyway… every one of those ships was designed so the pod didn’t drive the pilot mad with agony in the middle of a sustained fight.

Because it would. Hell, it still almost does, but mostly that’s just the see-sawing of sensations as the incoming fire gets overlaid by the automatic repair systems… or, if you’re even luckier, remote repair systems.

If you were taking the sensations of a dreadnought gang pounding on you for over an hour without filter, you’d go insane. Heck, when you experience the sensation of your skin soaking up 300,000 gigajoules of Keepstar doomsday1, you’d instantly go catatonic. It’d be like getting hit in the head with a hammer.

And that’s to say nothing about how screwed the empires would be without those filters. Can you imagine the kind of lawsuit fodder navy capsuleers would have for workplace traumas intentionally and knowingly inflicted on them by their superiors, even in the Empire? Hyldýpund [autotrans: void, chasm, abyss], what kind of maniacs do you think the Big Four have in their fleets? Can you imagine how crippled the Fed would be if they were doing that to their own capsuleers? Because they couldn’t keep it a secret. Not even for half a decade, let alone two.

Well, considering that camera drone footage is, y’know, also not part of the burn scanner (the previous you is dead already, floating out there in the wreckage, so the scanner’s already finished—yes, I’ve seen those, too), here’s an easy way to avoid having to deal with those images:

Don’t look at the feed. Leave strict instructions with your medical bay to not give you that ridiculous and pointless video feed. Because no, I’m not particularly ready to ‘dismiss’ those images… I just don’t look at them, just like I don’t collect other peoples’ corpses. Both habits strike me as… a bit unhinged, and excessively morbid.

1. And yes, I survived a doomsday. I’ve survived them on three occasions. This is the one from the keepstar! I hope never to have to go through it again. But I promise, you don’t get anywhere near the full force of it.

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I really must applaud you for being the seemingly genuine sympathetic face of an industrial war machine that wants nothing more than to tempt capuleers into space for the express purpose of destroying them.