Not having polled them, I can’t say how many. I do know that I’ve heard at least two or three express mild annoyance about it, however… I also know that from the way they’ve expressed it, you may have already resolved it by explaining the method behind your textual style.
On the whole, though, I would say: if they can’t be bothered bringing their issue with you to you, then either it isn’t significant enough to warrant altering your habits… or they aren’t.
I have no idea, but you’re the one highlighting the trend. Generally, disapproval from stuffy old people motivates young people toward a behavior. So if you want a trend to die, you don’t call attention to it. You just let it pass into being another forgotten fad.
I approve of ethnic Minmatar and other future slave people adopting slave clothing and accessories; they should be practicing for their post-enslavement condition.
Make sure you cover your slaves thoroughly. Watching bare flesh is disgusting. Having undressed slaves would look like you would walk a balding unclean dog with dirt all over. Keep in mind, that says a lot not about the dog itself, but rather about its owner.
I respect the hell out of my Chief, but I suspect she’s at least partly wrong. Since their return, the Starkmanir have revered Malateau Shakor for his part in the Elder Fleet’s funding and construction. Their Chief has spoken of his own personal admiration for, and devotion to, Shakor.