Well, eh? Where did you think I’d ■■■■ off to from her thread?
Perhaps not, but you assumed knowlege you definitely did not have. Speaking from ignorance to take credit (on behalf of your culture) for things you and yours had no hand in, and actively tried to destroy, is… let’s call it a form of passively obnoxious arrogance.
And part of the reason it’s so obnoxious is that it’s never meant to cause offense. It’s just assumed to be correct, and therefore, why would anyone be offended? Of course it’s fine.
Seek the truth from the source, rather than accepting ‘common wisdom’. I promise, most of it won’t be found in those scriptures of yours.
I mean, there could have been a ‘discussing why you’re wrong about that’ thread created, I suppose. But mostly, I expected it to come up at the weekly ‘Seb Sisters Plot The Overthrow Of [Insert Name]’ meeting. Which we… lemme check my notes… yeah. Which we totally don’t have. See? Right here, in the minutes from last week:
See? I mean, all the paperwork’s in order. You can’t argue with the bureaucracy!
You keep that up and someone might actually take you seriously.
Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Let 'em! They ain’t the only people who know how to use notepads!
Will you sponsor a prize? I don’t care if its prose or poetry or even salacious gossip/news but seems like its better suited not as its own category but the best of the work of its type regardless of category.
There’s an erotica category ?
Yes. I certainly wasn’t born with the brains in my family but I’ve managed to get this far on good looks alone at least.
I’m just an average guy. A typical Galleantean slob. Who likes shooting guns, watching pornos, and reading books about war. I put some red meat on the grill because eating down carcinogens is for REAL MEN. Then I salute the Federal flag and thank the Lunaries I was blessed to be born in the greatest nation in New Eden before settling in to watch men in skin-tight uniforms play sportsball with a glass of cheap whiskey and a hand rolled Intaki cigar.
Well, if you’re implying, that means you’re the one making the statement, so go ahead and imply anything you want, I can’t stop you.
If you mean to ask if you can infer the above, ie: take it as implied by my statements, then I don’t know why you would. I have nothing to do with census data, and no reason to care about it.
Why in the world would you raise the spectre of the number of deaths a destroyed mega-structure equates to if you don’t care about the actual number?
Oh-wait. Null sensibilities, I presume.
Look at context.
Aria’s speculating about the scale of destruction where motive doesn’t matter, and then remarks that she and I may have each contributed to the deaths of a population equivalent to “cities, probably? … Maybe some colony worlds?”
And I was agreeing with her. The comment about the number of deaths on keepstars is pretty solidly part of that agreement. I’ve been part of the destruction of somewhere between one and two dozen of the things, usually in a command or support capacity, sometimes actually shooting the structures myself. It’s impossible to give an accurate casualty count for the destruction of even a single Keepstar1, so I gave a range.
The actual number itself doesn’t matter. It’s somewhere in that ocean of blood, that range from 30 million (and really, there’s no way it’s that low) to a billion or so. Would only 30 million deaths on my hands be somehow less monstrous? Would it somehow still leave room for virtue and righteousness? Does the higher number mean I should be self-flagellating more, making more of a public show of rending my garments, wailing, and gnashing my teeth? Do I have to wear sackcloth and ashes for longer, or something?
Or at that scale, have you hit the point of ‘doesn’t matter, you can’t fix it. All you can do is try to do better, be better, in the future’?
It was a data point in a discussion we were having. The specific number wasn’t necessary to convey the scope of the offenses. So no, even as I cited the range, I didn’t care where the unknowable specifics lay within that range.
Then the thought occurred to me that people see these structures as something fairly permanent, because they’re so huge… but even in lowsec, putting one up almost guarantees it will die. The only ones with any real shot at semi-permanence are Horde’s stager, the Keeps in 1DQ1-A, and the Perimeter Keepstar, where attackers would need to do the job in subcaps.
So really, taking a posting on a Keep is… probably more of a death sentence than most postings. Hell, ship postings don’t encourage you to bring your kids to live in the floating death trap, you know?
Nope. Nothing to do with ‘null sensibilities’ (and I have no idea what that’s even supposed to mean, though I can infer it’s something that’s supposed to be insulting). I was born in space, been a spacer all my life. Contemplating the impermanence of places people want to have their families in is pretty normal. Doesn’t matter if the station’s in M2-XFE or orbiting the second moon of Huggar (consider the Nyx from the ‘Trillions of Minmatar’ thread), before you put your kin in a specific pressurized container floating in space, you best consider just how likely that container is to blow up.
1. And that impossibility has nothing to do with censorship, either. A Keepstar’s skeleton crew is somewhere in the 1-2 million range. Fully-staffed with dependents aboard, it’s up around 165 million. Did the owners of a specific keepstar have the station fully-staffed? Was there an evacuation order given? If so, how many families got out, and how many ended up staying because of some misguided ‘it’s ok, everything will be alright’? Do you really think the owners of the destroyed stations even bothered trying to produce a census of survivors or a casualty list?
They didn’t. I can promise you that. Not just because in the end, they don’t care… though they don’t… but because it’d be damned near impossible to manage. Where’d the evacuees go? Was there a planned stager? Were they being counted as they arrived? Did they scatter to the winds and multiple stations in multiple systems? Did the escape pods get caught in smartbombs? Did people take the opportunity to just disappear? Get scooped up by pirates (or worse, Blooders)?
Generating an accurate census / casualty report would take a number of years of effort, for just 1 Keepstar. So the impossibility to generate an accurate casualty tally isn’t an issue of censorship at all. It’s one of effort, apathy, and the underlying feasibility.
Dear Arrendis, I do so enjoy tugging at your connector cables.
So you’re saying; these — unaffiliated with empire — deaths are simply a tragedy of statistics. Do you see that as lending you authority in commenting on the motivations behind the current upsurge of faction conflict?
I haven’t said anything of the sort. I said the specific number doesn’t matter. It makes no difference whether the number of deaths I bear responsibility for is 38,123,012 or if it’s 38,123,013, or if it’s 896,286,001. Context is everything. Each of those deaths is a tragedy in its own context, and an irrelevance in the context of the New Eden Cluster. In my own context, it doesn’t matter what the number is, it’s too damned high, and it’s a large part of why I was looking to walk away from that life years before I finally did.
But you feel free to keep inexplicably failing to understand simple concepts. I won’t say it’s a good look on you, but it’s definitely a well-worn one.
Do you see any claim in the conversation in which it occurred that I do, or are you just pulling nonsense out of your arse?
Merely attempting to comprehend how you became an aficionado of hate that you feel free to comment with authority on the subject.
Dim witted of me I’m sure to fail to recognise your mandate to speek for the peoples of the empires.
Every Minmatar alive knows hate more intimately than you can apparently begin to comprehend. When your people have been maimed and mutilated, your family made to suffer, over and over for seven centuries, and the abusers, rapists, murderers, and corruptors are still out there free to smile and call themselves ‘civilized’ and you ‘savage’, when your entire upbringing is riddled with ‘these are things about our past that we can no longer know, but the people who took our self-knowledge from us have all that history in their libraries, locked away from those whose history it is’, when every day is lived with the acute knowledge that the monsters out there still want you dead for the high crime of being born Minmatar… then maybe you can attempt to comprehend my knowledge of hate.
But even then, I do not think you would succeed.
Yes, it was.
Also, learn to spell ‘speak’.
Perhaps I tweaked too painfully to be playful.
Please accept my apology and forgive my ignorance.
Perhaps you should understand that hate is not a thing to be playful about in the first place.
Null and Void.
Hail and Barrage are better. I can’t deal with the total lack of projection from blasters.
I don’t know, I kind of like that about them. When blasters call you out on your crap, you know it’s not just misplaced self-blame.
…I see what you did there.