She doesn’t think much of them.
A pity, I think she’d fit in.
Nation has a bad enough reputation as it is!
Eh, I was in CODE. ganking stuff around Jita left and right and their reputation didn’t turn any worse than it already was, so I guess the Nation can handle a Citizen Kim, after all.
No, they’re not, because they do that by a program, would it be biological or code. They don’t do that because they have will for it, they don’t think creatively.
We most certainly are not. Those, who stick to the chaos break the ice and sink to the bottom. Those, who stick to the order - build, create and reach the sky.
Fun tidbit: from a physics standpoint, all that ‘order’ is ultimately illusory. Every single bit of reduced entropy we think we’re making comes with an overall increase in the total entropy produced. Life itself is a far more efficient way to break down matter and increase entropy than purely a-biotic physical processes, and the more we try to create ‘order’, the more efficiently we increase overall entropy, even if we reduce local entropy.
And what do you think is human pre-school and school education, if not programming the wetware? When you are taught not to pee in your pants, even that is programming the reflexes of the body. Children are being drilled, like animals, to conform to the norms of the society that raises them. And, when they grow up, they are guided by that program, like the ants, or the bees. Mostly.
The creatures of the sea do not sink to the bottom unless they were never destined to swim in the first place. Otherwise, they are free in the endless dark ocean - to roam, to hunt, to die. It’s your ice that suffocates them.
And, to what ends? See what the humans do here, in the sky they’ve reached, among the stars. They steal, rob, murder, wage war, destroy the whole planets out of pure greed.
Wake up. Look into the true face of humanity. It’s a sad sight: something inbetween an overweight acoholic housewife and James 315.
Difference is, that adults understand that they could pee in their pants, but they would stink, it will be cold and unpleasant both for themselves and those who surround them.
Well, I think we are way better developed than fishies.
If you see the Federation, the Republic.
But there are others who don’t just steal, rob, murder, wage war and destroy. There are those who build, create, expand, construct, erect. Look at all these Amarr cathedrals and monuments. Look at Caldari space factories and docks. Life is blooming there, we don’t need to murder anyone and rob if we can create it. Once we get rid of greedy Federation thieves and savage Republican warmongers, we can breath in with full chest and develop to degrees unseen to man before, we will reach new horizons and will make life for everyone safer and more comfortable. Nobody needs freedom. But safety and comfort - that what is worth fighting for.
That’s not the face of humanity. That’s the face of perversion of humanity, imposed by ideals of Gallente Federation and those leaning to them. Walk on Caldari streets, would you see at least someone overweight? That’s a gallente problem, not ours.
With respect, the Guristas were founded by Caldari navy personnel who deserted their duties. Maybe they aren’t model citizens, but as they say, your **** stinks just as bad as the rest of ours… All of our bloodlines have their bad apples.
Guristas were perverted by Gallentean ideals.
They are still Caldari.
Not anymore.
Yeah I’m sure they were just devastated about that.
Fatal and The Rabbit, two infamous name that have left their mark on New Eden.Two individuals that escaped their fate as disposable pawns to the Caldari Navy.
Fatal would’ve been considered an incredible asset to the Navy despite his eventual treachery. He was a natural born leader, tactician that would’ve done incredible things with the Navy…If only those above him saw that same potential. He was held back, kept in a position where the Navy kept control over him. His potential was halted by the Navy…And while i can’t say what was going on though his mind, it probably be something like “Why the hell am i letting this Navy control my place in life when i can achieve so much more.”
Then we got the Rabbit, who was straight up used as a scapegoat for the incompetence of others. A scientific genius ready to be tossed away to cover the asses of those deemed more “Important” than a statesmen who could’ve equally done great things for the State’s military if only they didn’t see some “Introvert weirdo with a shutter that we can easily pin failure onto” and saw the absolute genius he was when it came to technological advancement.
What did these two do when the Caldari didn’t see the potential these two had? They took that potential and broke off to make something for themselves - They realize that the Caldari State wasn’t the end all be all for them, that they had the skills to be independent from the Caldari State, that they cane be something more than just “Caldari”.
Fatal raised an army, he established a chain of command of his own. If you look deeper into it, the Guristas have a pretty disciplined command structure, they’re for sure rowdy while off the clock, but when it comes to business they know how to un-■■■■ themselves and stand at attention as well as some ensign in the Navy. This discipline was instilled into the Guristas though what the Navy taught him, he KNEW the Navy was a properly ran army and he didn’t underestimate that, he took that into account when forming the Guristas’. The guristas never would’ve been able to carve out and maintain an organization like there’s without some form of discipline. All while Capsuleers are endlessly hunting them down for profit or pride, the Guristas maintain an ironclad control over the entire region of Venal, all while having active operations in about 25% of known space? Wild estimation most likely.
The Rabbit? He took his brilliance and took the Caldari’s ship designs and showed them how it was done, you could have twenty or hundreds of kill reports of you destroying a ship of Guristas design, but that doesn’t change the fact that the Rabbit’s input on the Guristas armada has established this harmonious combination of Caldari and Gallente ship technology. It doesn’t matter who made the damn tech, if it’s useful, when not use it yourself?
Fatal and The Rabbit have combined their strengths to become leaders of the ultimate competitor to the Caldari State - the 9th Mega.
I thought Fatal had been… fatally injured? Or was I misinformed?
Do forgive me if my tone suggested Fatal was still alive, my talk of him was more aimed at the reputation he built up during his life.
Fatal is believed to be dead, yes. After being transferred to a clone of inferior grade after he was podded back in YC 106 i believe. He hasn’t been seen or heard from sense and the Rabbit had to step up and take his place.
Kill me gently
Quit stealing my joke, ya poseur!
Pfft, I don’t see your name on it.
Also I am slightly concerned, since Chakaid is now an Arch Grande Butte of the Theology Council and thusly has the power to label Samira as a heretic™ with Official Theology Council™ stickers.
I should preface first that this is not a direct response to her Ladyship, and second that I am part of the laity. I am not a historian, just a simple pilot, but I think confusion may arise outside Holy Amarr with respect to the reforms suggested in the thread about the test of faith. I feel I should offer an alternate perspective (nothing more) from one of the faith, to the curious throughout the cluster.
It is not uncommon for reformers, even those in secular societies, to see the need for cultural sea-change as particularly urgent. They witness the brazen corruption in the hearts of humanity that goes unchecked, which is very real. The statements from Pilot Kernher in the aforementioned thread are not unique in this way. However, Holy Amarr has existed for a very, very long time, and it was only through the grace of God and the wisdom to obey His Will that we arrived where we are: not Paradise, but Empire.
Many zealous believers demand that the Reclaiming be consumated “today, if not sooner,” but the nature of Reclaiming is not so base. Faith is never satisfied. When it falters, when corruption takes root in our hearts, it is because we have failed one another in our duty to God. Faith is a struggle, and the burden we bear together is that the struggle of Reclaiming the faithful will not end in our lifetimes. God meant for us to be here, now, to weather the storms to come before Paradise can be found.
My father used to tell me, “we are but a blink of the eye to the Sefrim, as they are to the Lord,” and it wasn’t to minimize our faith or our importance to God. It was a reminder that God sees time beyond our ability to know, and that the millennia-long road to Holy Amarr was built in earnest toward a future that our ancestors, the Chosen and their servants alike, would never know. They believed, and they doubted, but united in their faith to God they persevered. Faith became Empire, and to be worthy of Paradise, we must build upon Holy Amarr, not break it.
I hope that, in writing this, the meaning was not lost in the metaphor.
I think not.