Off-Topic Thread vol. 2

It would be a terrible thing if I were to do that, yes. There is, however, a world of difference between forcing you to bend to her will, and being willing to defend my friend, should you attempt to push on her. You might notice, she’s calling for popular reform, not a military junta.

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And her supporters are primarily foreigners, atheists, and/or heretics. Not a single Imperial loyalist professes public support, either because there are no loyalists who support her or because Kernherism is unable to engender conviction among Amarrians except in the safety of private settings hidden from scrutiny. I’m not sure which would be worse for a movement aimed at reforming the Empire—not winning over any loyalist supporters or finding a lukewarm response wrested only after curtains are drawn.

Among capsuleers. The people who can afford to speak up publically and address the IGS.

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Yes, I’m sure that the supporters of a movement that started in response to mass murder, torture, rape, and abuse are just eager to throw themselves into the light and wave a banner of support against that regime.

You truly are dense, pilot Sakakibara.

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First, I prefer “lord” to “pilot,” Pilot Nomistrav.

Second, if you had been following along over the last year or so, you would know I was among the sympathetic to Samira Kernher when PIE ordered her stripped of her medals and commendations following her direct actions against then-Sa-Baron Alar Chakaid. In fact, I attempted to intervene on her behalf with Khanid authorities in Kahah when her transport vessel, in the course of conducting humanitarian operations in the early days of the rebellion in that system, was ordered destroyed.

Yet, in Thebeka, she fired upon me. Now, she spreads unabashed heresy.

If you think the movement only began this week, then you must have missed the rather extensive prelude.


At the time, you were in SFRIM. Which means that you were flying in support of PIE, who declared war upon her. What’s more, LUMEN itself declared war on her.

So yes, she fired on you. What kind of idiot are you that you think declaring war someone means they shouldn’t shoot back?


Because before she fired on me, I tried to engage in dialogue. To paraphrase, war, especially CONCORD-authorized conflict, is merely an extension of politics by other means.

What this Ammatar has seen over two days is that they are invariably loaded questions.

What I have noticed is an endless river of crocodile tears flowing from your eyes , sufficient to establish the Ammatar Mandate , and to bring in the Ni - Kunni , with scarce any need for a single Imperial Titan.

As gross as Ammar bigotry and condescension may sometimes be , it is but a pale shadow of your mendacious and mocking pretended humanity and justice.

Congratulations on conflating a description of my past inquiries about the nature of the Amarr faith, and my illustration of the holes in Kithrus’s blatant errors.

No crocodile tears at all. No tears of any sort. I’m pointing out willful ignorance and double-speak. I’m not feigning concern, or any kind of ‘gosh, I really do hope you can all work this out’. No mendacity, no pretending. I am way too arrogant to bother with that. People are being dishonest and acting like idiots, and they’re getting called out on it, just like Mitara got called out on her moronic ‘Pator the bonfire’ comment.

Crocodile tears? Hah. Try open derision. For example…

Before she fired upon you, your organization engaged in hostilities against her. At that point, if you want to talk, dock the hell up, stupid. If you’re in space with someone you’ve declared war on, expect to get shot, and don’t freakin’ whine about it. You don’t wanna get shot? Don’t declare war.

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You’re no lord of mine. Just as well, I wasn’t aware there was a maximum duration one can wait before they must publicly declare loyalties that would label them heretics at best and execute them at worst. It’s something we Intaki are familiar with the U-NATS exiled the five thousand.

Furthermore, if you were flying for PIE during Thebeka, I’m inclined to agree with Arrendis in that you can’t ask to not be shot at as an active participant in a war. Well, unless you’d like to stop for dialogue out in the warzone the next time we run across each other - if at all.

I am not whining, simply giving an accurate record of what occurred.

Specifically, I did not ask to not be shot at. I simply asked “Must we fight?” Next, I have never flown for PIE. That both you and Arrendis seem to be governed by a rather bloodthirsty approach to warfare speaks to the sort of individual that Kernherism apparently appeals to.

It’s not a bloodthirsty approach to warfare. It’s warfare. If you want to engage in diplomacy, take the simple and expedient steps to engage in diplomacy. It’s not difficult. Just dock the hell up. Or get tethered—you certainly had the PIE citadel available to use. She can’t shoot you if you’re tethered, or not in space. And then you can talk. No problem. If you’re not taking at least those steps, you have no-one to blame but yourself.

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Rather , congratulations for —

— Already knowing that.

Yes , the derision is in your very name ; The Minmatar – so-called —Republic .


The war with PIE happened after she had already joined Mizhara in a terrorist act and shot at SFRIM. Even then, we only declared war after she confirmed that she was allowing EM pro-rebellion operatives to use her base to pour fuel on the Blood Raider set fire.

That was more than enough enough for PIE to feel that a state of CONCORD declared war was only a formality. Even then, SFRIM only joined that conflict after she openly supported Armast Darkar.

She had already chosen to become a traitor well before PIE ever shot at her.


Last time I checked, my name is Arrendis Culome. I don’t speak for the Republic. I don’t claim to speak for the Republic. So how about you stop moving your goalposts and maybe try getting a clue. They’re cheap. I’ll send you a few million ISK. Buy in bulk.

None of which changes the simple fact that she could not have fired on Lord Dumbass without CONCORD blowing her up if PIE and LUMEN hadn’t initiated formal hostilities.

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Sure ! I’ll accept your electing me defendant , and electing yourself prosecutor , and we’ll pretend your questions aren’t fake , and …

  • rolls eyes. *

If we are going to be pedantic, she would actually have been able to fire upon PIE and LUMEN if they were ascribed “suspect” status, which happened often enough in Thebeka, particularly among the logistics wings.

If you’ve flown with PIE in the warzone under a SFRIM banner, I consider that flying with PIE. That aside, calling me bloodthirsty is quite laughable, but I forgive your ignorance. It is true that I have had moments of aggression recently due to an ongoing condition (one that is none of your concern, before you attempt to use that too as leverage). It pales compared to my stance as a reformed pacifist up until a year ago.

I frankly don’t care for continued justifications and moving goalposts from a man who has already revealed that my words are of no matter. Continued dialogue from this point with you, Lok’ri, is an exercise in futility, and I’ll not waste my time further.

Wow, arguing against even more things I never said. You’ll at least want to get better at this before you try that sort of weak-ass crap.

Yes, and that happened after PIE declared war on her, at which point, LUMEN was actively engaged in hostilities against her by supporting them. I was there, too. And I was openly planning to shoot you, Aria, Luna, all of you, if you’d continued trying the ‘neutral logi’ crap.

So, I tend to agree with your interpretation of how it would have made sense for that conflict to develop.

But LUMEN, with their somewhat… robust commitment to diplomacy, initially explicitly made a point of only supporting PIE’s war on Armast and some of them were actively displeased by PIE deccing Samira.

They only switched stances after she actively supported Armast in space.

That said, I do not think the point Sakibara is making is a particularly strong one as purposely avoiding shooting individuals in a war between corporations is untenable.

His point would work better if he had made it about the breakdown between Samira and SFRIM as whole. There was definite sympathy from SFRIM towards Samira even after she had shot at them at Kahah. Which was truly remarkable to me, because when a person as committed to presenting her chosen truth without prevarication as Samira is says she has chosen a side, she has chosen a side and that is final.