Off-Topic Thread vol. 2

I wouldn’t have assumed that those served resolutely and were forced into murder by a chemical weapon attack would be barred from Heaven. They may have had to be killed to safeguard the safety of others, but such a thing is regrettable, not damning. We interred countless citizens in the aftermath of the Anath attack, many of whom had been turned into the weapon of the enemy with full respects.

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That’s at least mildly reassuring, then. The concept of a single life to live is a profound and alien one.

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Yes, but the context of the two verses is different. She was an Avenging Angel He dispatched for a special task recalling her after her role was done. We are to remain ever vigilant throughout our lives enforcing His Will.

Only if you look at it from the assumption that Jamyl’s return and ascension were tainted. It seems perfectly reasonable when they’re looked at as a miraculous response to the taint. But of course, if one doesn’t believe that her return was miraculous, then I can see how one could see the events as you do.


First Prophet, Arsia, she died in her pod!

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That doesn’t mean the burning scanner was active!

Clearly it was. She came back. How much magical thinking on this are you going to do? Face it, she lied to the Amarrian people. She lied to you.

Everyone knew she was a capsuleer, so you don’t think that groups involved in the Trials like the Theology Council and CONCORD would have prevented her from scanning? There was no worry about it at the time and no effort made to track down her clone afterwards from the powers that be.

Why wouldn’t the other Royal Houses have called it out at the time if they suspected a problem with her death? Wouldn’t they have been interested in finding a hidden Jamyl clone?

It doesn’t make sense for her to have been cloned.


Arsia this was just one year after the pod and the capsule had been linked together! Most if not all of the heirs had been capsuleers from before their pods even had scanners. I doubt the idea she would clone was even on their minds. And you really think anyone is going to defile the body of a royal heir to test it for brain scan damage?

The worry at the time wasn’t that she would clone, it’s that she wouldn’t kill herself at all. A Sarum fleet attacked Doriam II. Everyone had been predicting that she would deny Doriam II’s legitimacy (which she did, she never sent him a congratulatory response, as is custom) and secede to form a Sarum Kingdom. Everyone thought she was going to act criminal, they just never expected the way she actually did it. Your only argument to all of this is that she had a sudden change of heart. That is a long shot and you know it.

Just in case you missed the reports, by the way:

News: Jamyl Sarum: Another Khanid?

Ms. Kernher, I don’t believe for a second that an entire year after the advent of scanners in capsules, that nobody, out of all those who already distrusted Empress Jamyl, wouldn’t have thought, not to check her body for damage, but to check her pod for an active scanner before her death. That implies gross incompetence on the part of everyone else involved at best.

Is it troubling that a Sarum fleet attacked Doriam II? Yes.

Should she have sent a congratulatory response? Yes.

But neither of those things mean she cloned. If she wasn’t gone, then why would the Sarum fleet be enraged enough to attack Doriam II? They were upset by their loss.

I am full aware of the distrust of Empress Jamyl back then, but that just makes it more, not less likely that the powers that were would have taken every precaution against any and all avenues she might have taken to cheat her Shathol’Syn. The only way this idea makes sense is if nearly everyone in power in the Empire was in on it.

Okay, then, here’s one:

Why would God choose to resurrect a child murderer?

  1. Disgusting and gross. Stop. Everyone now feels dirty from just having read it.

  2. We Amarr live every day with the knowledge that there are Matari that would like to see nothing more than our homeworlds turned into cinders. Not a jest, or hyperbole, but real total destruction and desolation. There likely are those within the Empire that feel the same about the Minmatar, but I am not one of them. I prefer that we Reclaim as many rebels as possible, but I am not so naive as to not see a degree of my ‘bonfire Pator’ statement as an inevitibility, and I shall make no apologies seeing it carried out when the time comes.

So an act she lamented done by a group mentioned as possible candidates with loose connections to the Family means she ordered it.

I believe I’ve seen one of these ‘memes’ featuring Lord Chapter Master Lok’ri and a board with an intricate string pattern that would look simple compared to what have put forth.

Her Imperial Majesty Jamyl I would not shirk from something she wished to see done. I imagine if she had done it and was asked her response would be similar to - “Yes. And?”

That doesn’t mean you’d enjoy the reprisals, now does it?

Then stop being so Napkinly! Napkinish? Napkinesque? Naplian? :thinking:

ETA: BAD. Stop being so BAD! That’s probably the… well… least-bad way to say it.

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It was pretty widely suspected by multiple sources at the time that she was behind it. Hardly an idle theory.

So you’re saying child murder is okay. Good to know.

You mean like the one that tried to intervene at a certain Fortizar in Sarum Prime and failed?

Are you planning to abandon your corporation every time you undock to dodge wardecs? PIRAT had to, after all.

And now, they can’t pull that anymore.

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I mean, winning solely by convoluted CONCORD high security regulations that have since changed isn’t really what I would call a show of power…

It’s not like they beat the defense fleet.

Bad example, I have to say.

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Or illustrative of a sometimes-ally who does not commit fully to a given purpose but rather based upon whether it is convenient.

If such are the allies that Miss Kernher may count upon, then the Empire has nothing to fear from Kernherism.

If that is what you think we are, you are far more a fool than you seem.


What I’m saying is if she wished it done, she would be unapologetic about it.

As your own false prophet says:

If you are willing to enforce her vision through imposing fear of retribution, then Kernherism has already lost its soul.