Off-Topic Thread vol. 2

For the sake of argument, if Her Majesty Empress Catiz I were to point out you’re an ignorant fool with a dubious grasp of law, and no notion of where your reach ends.
Would you issue one of your imaginary warrants?

I have already issued one for your public slanders in Summit channel.
For this one I believe the Imperial authorities woud have to issue one, since now it seems you’re slandering Her Majesty. If I will capture you, I’ll make a request to the Empire authorities if they will want to trial you for this as well.

Please point to the slander in that sentence.

I believe your way of speaking of Her Majesty is indecent and slanderous. But this is not a court session, and that’s not for me to determine if it is an actual slander or not, since I lack facts or direct interest.

Still while it might not be court session, whatever you will say about Her Majesty certainly could be used against you in a court. While I cannot judge you for this, I certainly can accumulate and provide evidences in form of your words to Imperial authorities for them to decide how to treat you.

I speculated on the possibility of Her Majesty pointing out two obvious truths. In her great wisdom, they would be as clear to her as they are to all others with whom you interact.

Neither of them, however, were even remotely being truths and they look just as a product of your inflamed imagination (or simply repeating of obviously false gallente propaganda).

Imagine being on an island. It’s just you in there. Let’s say that there is foul weather, a transportation industry strike, fuel shortages and someone’s passive-aggressive Astrahus in low orbit having blown up and left a hazardous debris field, all occurring simultaneously. Every form of transportation to and from the island, from rowboat to dropship, is unavailable.

You develop a toothache.

There is no dentist. No autodoc. No painkillers. You can’t leave. It’s not serious enough that someone will brave the storms to help you. You’re alone. With the sensation of dull, ever-present pain ruining your day to the point where you can’t focus on anything, can think of nothing. All there is left to do is to sit with your hand pressed against your chin and feel every single pulse of it.
Every. Single. Pulse. Without fault. Without pause. Without change. Uncaring. Unfeeling. Impervious to all countermeasure. This is the best you can do. If you shift every so slightly, it will just double down with a vengeance like an infernal jackhammer drilling into the cavities of your suffering soul for the heinous crime of trying to alleviate it.

This is what this conversation looks like, and I’m just an outside observer. For the love of God and your own mental well-being, everyone, please, just stop.


You know, I actually can double that sentiment by saying I feel something similar. Just maybe to way lesser degree - without the tooth pain.

I am just not among people who will sit with a hand pressed to my chin. I just have to do something, whatever it will be, you know?

Is this really a fight worth having?

There’s an aphorism commonly ascribed to warrant officers (or senior NCOs, depending on which military we’retalking about): “There’s only two kinds of opinions: mine and wrong ones”.
I think it’s that mindset that’s causing most of the problems around here.


This is now a conversation of what makes the best pet. I would say it’s a Charisoco as they are vastly intelligent and curious.


My family keeps blueback mastiffs. I had one when I was a boy, but I’ve never had another chance to own one. It used to sleep at the foot of my bed, though, and was very gentle.

Which, thank God, they’re hunting dogs. On command I think it was trained to tear limb from limb.


My in-laws in the State have six cats of various degrees of size, coloration, temperament, fluffiness and arrogance. The sheer quantity allows for incredible adaptability for every possible mood, activity or situation, whether it’s to be stress relief, bed heater, playmate for my daughter or an insurmountable lap-mounted obstacle that is totally not meant as an elaborate form of house arrest to prevent me from slipping away into space.

It’s an ingenious approach, really. Bit high-maintenance for my liking, but I’m not the one doing the maintenance anyway.


Could you not take your cats with you into space? Obviously they can’t be in pod with you but downtime in a station would be rather pleasant with a companion.

I ask as, since my profession has changed to that of an explorer, I’m finding myself in more and more remote parts of space, often with no crew for company. As I mentioned before, I am quite partial to a Charisoco so was considering bringing one aboard to fill that niche.

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Considering the frequency with which capsuleer ships explode, that would be a terrible thing to do to your cats.

Send them Interbus.

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I think the IGS would benefit from brevity instead of trying to cram as many talking points into one enormous post as possible.

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Now I bet somebody is going to make a massive post with not only all the reasons why you’re wrong, but also why brevity is a sign of the downfall of humanity.


I really hope that happens, sincerely.

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Thank you, Captain Aloga. We are currently working to re-establish orbital platforms to facilitate two-way communications with our ground teams. I will likely be in touch once we can ascertain their condition.

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“Nuh-uh” :wink: