Utari's Puppies (Formerly Off-Topic Thread)

Don’t tell me you’re surprised, it’s what she does. I’ve been informed that after I left the ball, she laid out quite a few whoppers, rewriting pretty much everything I’ve said and done to suit her narrative. Outright lies, at times. It’s apparently the only way when they don’t have an answer for what has actually been said and done, preferring to rewrite things in ways that gives them the easy way out, and easy answers.


I admit it, I was surprised… but maybe not for the reason you’d expect. I mean, she’s the one person who harps on my fondness for rhetorical maneuvering even more than you (and neither of you is wrong, I mean, I do love me some semantics games)… and then she tries this? She’s gonna try word-games and rhetorical maneuvering on me?

Would she pull a dagger on someone who habitually and constantly practices knife-fighting, too?


I don’t remember telling lies, Miz. (And it’s only a lie if I knew.) I definitely meant every word I said to you.

And it’s been a little bit of a bad night, so …

Yeah, see you.

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I was referring to the rewriting of history once I’d left. Hell, rewriting of the very words I spoke that very night, at that.


Well, you did just try to suggest I’d said a lot of crap I didn’t say. Or were you unaware of which words you’d read and which ones you hadn’t?

I mean, I will cop to being arrogant as hell. There’s a case to be made for ‘horrible person’, too. I don’t think I’ve ever denied either of those. But I didn’t say the things you just suggested I said. So… yeah, I’ll call that ‘telling lies’.


No, I knew what you meant in terms of timeframe, Miz. I don’t remember telling lies. It’s okay with me if you think they were … or rather, not really a surprise. I’m wrong pretty often, but I don’t lie much.

You’ve called me a liar a lot. Other things, too.

It seems that even people whose opinions I care about agree I’m a horrible person, so it’s probably true. Nice that everyone can agree at least on that.

What should I do? …

Sleep. Yeah. … to start.

Good night you two. Thanks for giving me someone else to hate for a while.

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What Arrendis said holds true, in this regard. You put words in my mouth that I have never spoken, and attributed me with actions I have never taken. Some of it, that very night. I have a difficult time imagining all that in that small of a timeframe isn’t intentional.


Wow, sounds like a few dramabombs were let off at the Seylinn conference ball. I had planned to attend, but something came up.


Wait, something interesting happened at a conference?


Isn’t that what Aria and Mizhara are currently arguing about ? Words said at the Seylinn conference ball ?


How should I know? I wasn’t there.


Neither was I.


I don’t think there was anything that rose to the level of an actual dramabomb, Dr. Valate. I know the general area of stuff Miz is on about, but, I’m fuzzy on the specifics and actually don’t trust her perceptions far enough to treat this as anything but another “it’s Miz” thing.

Oh well?

(She did maybe demonstrate a kind of interesting mistrust of other attendees, me included, or maybe particularly, and I mean that in terms of her physical safety. She left a glass behind that looked like she had been maybe trying to weaponize it? That or talking to me was just really stressful, but I’d have expected it to just break if that was what happened. Maybe she was trying her hand at some kind of art. Anyway, it seemed like kind of a waste of a perfectly good glass.)

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Hatred for Minmatar pilots should not be allowed to pass in “a while”. This hatred should be cultivated, perfected, and made in to a hatred of your own Minmatarness, a Minmatarness that must be rooted out in sacrifice to God.

No dramatics, nothing unexpected. As for the glass, is it truly so odd that when outnumbered quite so heavily by enemies, one takes minor precautions? You yourself have made your hunger for murder quite well known, Mizhir has damn near more blood on her hands than I do in a shorter capsuleer career, and the duster grunt wouldn’t be entirely trivial to deal with.

What’s the phrase, better safe than sorry? Or one I prefer more, if you’re going down, take as many of them down with you as possible.


'Cause we were totally going to jump you at an ARC social function. 'Cause killing one of your clones is totally worth becoming known for causing violence at an agreed neutral venue. 'Cause drinking glasses make such awesome improvised weapons against combat clones (which I wasn’t in) and clone soldiers.

This is kind of what I mean about your perceptions, Miz. You had nothing to fear from us, but spent the whole time watching for an attack that never came, and was never going to.

It makes me sad.

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Why is killing 1995 slaves in order to “free” them from my possession morally acceptable, but killing three slaves to free them from my possession immoral? The only difference is the latter three slaves are strapped upon the Altar of God and the former are stuffed in a freighter.

I offer to Aria and SFRIM and PIE the opportunity to simultaneously “free” slaves from my possession and cleanse your sins and those of your line. All you have to do is take up the bloody dagger, intone “And Molok the Deceiver was sacrificed upon the Altar if God” and with a thrust through the heart free the slaves from my possession…and cleanse the sins from your soul.

You don’t kill only three slaves. Three slaves are the tip of the iceberg of misery and suffering that you perpetuate you ridiculous little man.


Why make such an assumption? Of course, the likelihood was infinitesimally small, but there is nothing lost in safeguarding against the possibility. Rationality isn’t something I’ve come to take as a given among such enemies, so why be lax?

You’re making a silly big deal out of something so small.


I think intent matters here, Mr. Nauplius. In the first instance the intent was to free them so they could live. The second instance you’re slaking your own blood lust at the expense of the slaves.

There are various arguments that could be made about what happens to the slaves in the first instance after they’ve been freed, or if your activities in the second are really so isolated from the rest of your society. But that’s the difference in a nutshell.