Utari's Puppies (Formerly Off-Topic Thread)

Hmm… I haven’t heard of anything like that. Send me a message, tell me the story.


You can ask what happened to Pandora Technologies

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I will, thanks. I haven’t spoken to Sri Sepphiros much after he announced the restructuring, because I am on vacation. Lots to talk about it seems. Will also talk to all the people involved in Pandora Tech.


Well I couldn’t imagine it either until it happened to me. He is a charming person and he is quite good with words. It makes him dangerous.


There’s even more, but well, it’s probably best told in a less public setting.


I’ve been contemplating writing a post about the nature of demons and the demon war, for the education of the frequent IGS readers.

But should I ?

  • Yes
  • No
  • God no. We already have enough nonsense coming from the crazies already, that would just be throwing fuel on a bonfire

0 voters


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Man look at all these spoilsports that don’t want to hear more about The Demon War


I’m just disappointed she didn’t put in a ‘You are one of the crazies’ option.

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Anybody wants to buy used Amarr religious scepter?

Will sell cheap or exchange for bottle of fine Chanounian wine.



Aside from the fact I would assume most if not all Capsuleer Citadels posses medical facilities of many types and sizes. Aside from the fact that most Industrial ships are less armed and armored than Mizhara’s ‘Hospital’ but yet are considered fair game anyway between warring groups.

When has such an issue really stopped groups that are at war from destroying enemy facilities? Because that’s how it’s spun. It’s not an enemy doctor, it’s an enemy officer. It’s not a hospital ship, it’s a hostile craft. It’s not a hospital, it’s a hostile facility.

At least those were the words used when the empires attempted to burn Nation to the ground. Yet for some reason the fact is that we too had non combatants. We also had Hospitals. None of that particularly mattered or stopped anyone. When has humanity won out over frothing zealotry?

So why should anyone hostile to Mizhara or Minmatar forces even pause before they flag her Fortizar as a potential target?


Well, it’s a matter of morals. Many do such things because they are those. While yes all of the mentioned things could be considered as such, they aren’t specifically publicized as such. In this case it is. If Ill intentions are found then yes I really couldn’t blame them.

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I’d say when most of humanity decided not to tolerate the Sansha Nation’s mind-controlling, mass-kidnapping, slaving zealot carcasses.


Your sequence of events is incorrect.

The attack on Nation by the empires happened first. The Upliftings were part of the response that happened after that.

Before that, Nation acquired all their slaves legally with trade through the Amarr. It is why the vast bulk of the original True Slaves were Matari. But when forced in to combat by the five aggressors, all attackers became valid targets. If you won’t respect our sovereignty, we have no reason to respect yours.

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You don’t have to respect our sovereignty. It takes under six hours to clear one of your little ‘incursions’ from Delve, and all of about five minutes to obliterate one of your laughable little motherships.


Much like the Imperium, the industrial base behind Nation is such that these scales of losses do not matter. Destroy them if you want. There is no Death in Nation. We are more than the hulls of our ships, Arrendis.

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And yet, you still feel the need to keep raiding. That tells the rest of us that no, you don’t have everything you need. If you did, you wouldn’t need to keep taking it.


Pretty sure Nation isn’t raiding tritanium stores. So having a large shipbuilding industry is not exactly at odds with the notion that you could still need things. I’m not sure where you got that impression because I didn’t say it.

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But I thought you weren’t the hulls of your ships?

See, taking you at your word that the sihps themselves aren’t important, I looked at what you are raiding for. If there’s no death, then natural birth rates should take care of your personnel issues in pretty short order.

So, no, the fact that you need to keep raiding wasn’t aimed at the ‘industrial base’ part of your claims.


Foreigners have no authority to hold slaves. The trades with Nation were against Scripture and should not have been tolerated.


Sometimes I think Nation should have been more Religious in nature. Something about it just makes brainwashing more tolerable to Outsiders.

Edit: And to more directly comment in response, Samira. Maybe you’re right. According to your beliefs, Nation should not have been allowed to own Slaves. I would be interested to know what sort of twisting of logic was used, then, in that case. Or how much it cost to bribe the Empire’s rulers.