Offer Advertising Suggestion

I like the offers Eve brings out, my favourite is the 50% off Omega and MCT offer. However, I just heard this offer was only advertised on the NES store, and not the Eve store, for the very first time.

I am really annoyed as I was expecting the offer to be on the Eve store like every other time. My suggestion would be when advertising these offers to be specific on where to find each offer. The 15% off plex offer was easy to find, but the 50% off Omega and MCT offer did not mention it was on the NES.

The disappointing thing is I now I have to wait another 3 months until the offer comes back which will limit my enjoyment of this unique game. Mostly because most things are going up in price, and I kind of rely, sometimes, on your good offers.

I would appreciate it if you would consider my suggestion.



Whats stopping you from buying it on the NES

NES won’t boost recruitment rewards :stuck_out_tongue:

Buying PLEX or upgrading to omega by the recruitee needs to be conducted via web store, specifically

Your Recruitee upgrades to 1+ Month Omega on
You receive 15 Days Omega

Your Recruitee buys PLEX on
You receive 4x24H Accelerator

(I could spam my recruitment link right now right here but it would be too low for me :smirk:)

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