Offer of Transport and Evacuation to Independent Intaki Militias

With the recent news from Intaki Prime, the United Neopian Federation would like to put forward an option to Independent Intaki Militia forces, and others, that feel disenfranchised or alienated by recent events and do not wish to disarm. The UNF’s Windstalker Installation Security Operations contingent’s bases and operational centers are open for you to pull back to, and be transported off-world. This offer and opening of bases to Independent Militias is conditional on them being willing to be evacuated from Intaki Prime, and those that attempt to use these centers as stagings for further planetary operations will be forcibly evicted and handed over to appropriate authorities.

Noted. Declined.

Mr. Amadi, I would like to clarify that the offer was for baseline Independent Militias. Not registered Paramilitaries or Warclones, regardless of your declination.

What can I say, “-and others” was a bit open-ended. Glad someone is separating the chaff from the wheat, though. Saves me the trouble.

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