Old Pilot trying a return DHB-WildCat

Hi all.

Hoping some old wingmen are still in the game and looking to add another member. Otherwise if you know of a place to dip my feet into some small gang pvp let me know!

Thank you,


Come join us at The Order of Omerta. We’re into fw and small gang pvp and looking to add more experienced people to the squad.

We’re a tight group of older gamers so no drama or bs just fleets and fun.

If you’re interested come by and talk The Order of Omerta


We do alliance small gang PVP about once a week. Also involved in FW. We are based in Minmatar space and for more info about our corp check out our thread - 🌌 High Sec Mining Corporation - Seeking Miners and Industry Pilots - Spice Mining Defenders Corporation

Come to join Running for Dogs. We have small- gang roams 2-3 times a week and there are chances to get more small-gang activity going.

We have a friendly community and also provide access to our home null sec in Cache for ISK making and FW in gallente space. We are a part of PandaFam coalition which also provides big fleet PvP content. No mandatory FATs though.

GriMM Hounds can provide you with your fix.

Do you like it HARD? Do you like it REWARDING? Then You’re the right fit for Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly(-RUDE)!

Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly is an EUTZ corporation of Kybernauts Clade living in Pochven, also known as Space Hell, where the harsh environment makes sure we stay sharp and the ISK fountain tp make sure we stay rich to fight anyone who dares to stop long enough to be locked up, anywhere in New Eden.

-RUDE Is where Fun comes first. We hold fleets daily, From simple roams to BLOPs fleets and more. We like to have fun and fight. PvP is our lifestyle!

→ Content Fleets EVERY SINGLE DAY
→ Observatory Flashpoint fleets for that crazy income
→ Nanogangs in Pochven and Null
→ A way to experience the crazy world of Pochven PvP
→ Incredibly fun and friendly environment

-Be alive and breathing
-Be able to push buttons somewhat well
-Have a mouth you can speak with(Also a microphone)
-Sense of Humor
-Approximately 10 Mil SP(Negotiable)
-Willingness to train into Doctrines

Zkill: Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly. | Corporation | zKillboard
DISCORD: Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly

Lucas Ermanelos(JustThatLuka#1590)

Hi there m8

your search is over, please make sure to check our vid below

if you want to speak with us just join our discord and say hi


Pro pilot btw - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2j5TyyJSV0

Automatic vouch from any alliance that starts with HYDRA and ends with RELOADED.

You should come join us at Hydra Reloaded. Great group of guys and full SRP!!!

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David Eddingson


Welcome to the game, or welcome back :slight_smile: We are looking for a rowdy crew to take on the game together. So, take a look, we might be a fit. We intend to be new bro friendly and focused, with room for old pros and souls.

Currently, new bros seem to have just 30-45 days to get hooked on the game, we are attempting the quick to relative high risk high isk approach. A yank the band aid off, rather than a dip the toes in the deep end.


Raisp is part of The-Expanse, based in Solitude and Syndicate.

Money making

LS and HS gas. Moons of course. Missions of all kinds.


• Party attitude. Hat optional.
• Desire to grow and learn
• Must join comms and have a working microphone
• Patience to deal with growing pains, and awaiting the Drama Llama to pass
• Auths for all characters

More Information

Recruitment Officers - David Eddingson and Ahban Ozran

Discord - yes, mssg for link, otherwise I will be updating all the darn time.

Killboard - No… don’t look. Quick distraction, this add was totally copied from somebody else :slight_smile:

A bit of history: Rave grew to the point heading to null sov sounded like a good idea. We ended up trusting the wrong people, and the Drama Llama struck with wrecking blows. So, we abandoned our wrecked dreams on the shores of Provi, like so many before, and chose to try Solitude/Syndicate to rebuild. So, after singing “I’m still standing” we are looking at next steps in growing, and hopefully that means you, dear reader, will take a look and decide that yes, we must all fight for our right to party, and will join us on your next eve adventure.

Pub chat is “Rave into Space help, pub, and recruit.”

Thanks for reading, look forward to hearing from you!
And if you totally hate us, let us talk some frigate matchups :slight_smile:

If I even thought that was 1% sincere. Hope you all are truly doing well. Wish you nothing but the best

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