Omega Subcription

Would like to request about the omega price, maybe ccp should adjust the omega price for the third world countries were 20 dollars is a month of food? maybe you can get more players to play the game?

They have a lot more to worry about than playing a niche point-and-click space sim.

Get real.

Unless, that is, those in the global West are prepared to pay even more in order to subsidise a price reduction elsewhere?

No? I thought not.


How to put this without sounding toxic like you think sasha did (they werent btw).

It takes a lot of money to keep eve up and running. Its a luxury/leisure to play video games. They have a market they cater to. Those who cannot afford to subscribe have the option to play free. Until 2016 you only had to sub to play. While i do think $20 is too much, you either pay it or dont. Stupid prices everywhere ($8.00 for 1.5# of bacon)

Ccp is not concerned with the poor countries to pay to play eve. Doubt enough would play.


We’ll how do you know what ccp likes and what he doesn’t like? If you own the company i will not argue with you.

Yeah, no.

If you can’t afford a luxury item, you don’t get the luxury item. That’s how reality works, and no amount of Socialist bullsh*t or thinking about their feelings is going to change that.

If you want a luxury item, the onus is upon you to be able to afford it. This is not being toxic, it’s acknowledging a basic fundamental fact of life. Just because it makes you feel bad doesn’t change this, or matter to anyone outside your non-existent social circle.


As I understand it, you were suggesting that people who are poor should not have to pay the same $20.00 subscription as those who are not. That CCP should lower its prices for those who live in countries where, for example, food costs $5 a week. You implied that doing so would increase the Company’s player base, and therefore, its income.

If it were so obviously beneficial a course, why does not CCP already follow it?

I’m disappointed that you thought my (admittedly terse) comments ‘toxic’. I hope this fuller explanation appears to you to be more measured.

Perhaps you could first persuade the big pharma producers to lower costs for the strugglers, investors to stop stripping a country’s mineral and other resources, big-tech and clothing sellers/distributors to pay above slave wages and to properly ban child-labour in countries where the only way to earn those $5 a week is to risk debilitating illness, ignorance and death.

Does all that sound over-the-top? Toxic? It is not intended to be so, Mga. It is all happening, right now. So, instead of wringing your hands and pleading with CCP to drop the sub charge for those in suffering, think about what you might do to help. Perhaps if CCP developed Gift Subscriptions you would be the first to donate one to a poor person living under such conditions?

Your suggestion implies that lowering the subscription cost in countries where it does not advantageously match the income of the populace might attract more paying players and therefore add to CCP’s bottom line.

It would also add to their costs, in ways which might not be immediately obvious to you. J K Rowling is not the authority to whom we turn when considering matters of global economics.

In sum, then, I disagree with your proposal and with the grounds upon which it appears to be based.


If you live in a country where you struggle to make ends meet, there are probably better things you need to be doing with your life than playing online video games…


You are free to buy them the hardware and pay their subs yourself. You could afford for a dozen or so people to play right?

Completely untrue, governent hand outs are a real thing.

You need a reality check.

Outside a very small number of countries, the social welfare systems that you’re mentioning simply do not exist. In most of the world, if you cannot find or afford food, you don’t get food, much less a luxury item.

Beyond this, in zero instance does a true luxury item get handed out by governments. It’s the reason Socialists always hate on boat owners, because there’s no government program to give you a boat. You have to work for that yourself if you want to afford one.


Welfare is the crutch the government gives you after breaking your legs

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And for those places where my statement is true, is my statement true or false?


There are no government handouts for luxury items.

There are places where technology has developed to the point they’ve become an essential requirement of daily life, and such there are programs to provide phones and internet, but nowhere on Earth is a video game included in that technology.

As I mentioned earlier, there is no welfare program to give you a boat just because your neighbor can afford one.


You’ll never convince the Ayn Rand readers that their beliefs are hogwash; it is, and has always been, pointless to try.

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Have you ever read Ayn Rand or watched an interview? She was against socialism, welfare, and altruism…

I don’t have to.

Life itself will eventually kick them in the ass hard enough to knock some sense into them (as it did me), or they’ll earn their (hopefully not honorary) Darwin Award.


I think you might be misreading me a little here.

Sidebar; I read The Fountainhead.

It was ok.

Couldn’t get through Atlas Shrugged.

Yeah, it’s not for everyone. It’s a tough read, and even tougher to adapt to film. They tried with a three-part series, but it was subpar at best. Like any large body of work, such as The Stand, War and Peace, or The Lord of the Rings, it’s rather difficult to condense them into a single film.

Having said that, I’d like for GM to lower the price of the 2025 C8 Corvette Z06 to something I can afford, because I’m not a millionaire. But, that’s not how the world works, nor should it…

Unless you are in favour of real ID being a requirement for online presence (which I doubt) then any 3rd world discount will be abused heavily by frugal 1st world players with a VPN.



Changed the goalposts. Opinion discarded.