I miss you guys, too! Unfortunately, unless I need a programming project for my portfolio, I’m probably never coming back . I still check for pings on forums, though, and keep up with a few EVE buddies on Discord. I used to check EVEmail regularly, but after my Omega subs lapsed I lost all motivation to log into the game… not even daily SP or event login rewards motivated me anymore… maybe I should use Fuzzwork EVEmail to check EVEmail so I don’t have to log into the game… (Oops @Geo_Eclipse_Oksaras sorry I missed yours, I only now just checked after a few months .) I still have my assets on hand in case I decide to come back, though. (Read: no you can’t have my stuff.)
I stopped playing EVE for a very long-list of reasons (not all related to EVE or to each other - details would merit its own thread in OOPE subforum), and have since transitioned to low-commitment, instant-gratification, in-and-out, more consistent-experience games with communities that are more social, less toxic, and have orders of magnitude more young women (20’s-early 30’s) comprising a considerable share of their player base (heavy double-digit percentages… truthfully when searching for replacement games, I went out of my way to make sure that it was one that would make it very easy to meet women!) Making friends on these games - friends you spend more time talking to out of game than in game - has become a routine occurrence for me, very easy to do, near effortless. At one point I even fleshed out two ‘strategies’ to make friends consistently if I wanted to take an active rather than passive approach, and these strategies could net me a new lady friend every day or two.
One day I employed one of these ‘strategies’ in match chat of a quick play, and another player - who I believe was on the opposing team if I remember correctly - and I very quickly developed rapport. We were chatting via match chat throughout the game, and at the end they friend added me and we went from there to group up and play more games together. Lo and behold, it was a lovely young gal, just a few years younger than me. Two days later we grouped up again, but this time we used voice chat instead of text chat, and 10 seconds in we’re already both cry-laughing hysterically without pause for the next 4 hours playing, and immediately after playing she gave me her (real) phone number and we talked on the phone for maybe another hour or so. Literally not one second passed that we weren’t cry-laughing from the blast we were having with each other. Since then we spend all day every day texting or calling or videochatting each other whenever we’re not playing together. Some time passes and we took things to the next level by arranging to meet one another in real life, so I flew up to visit her, and we spent 4 days in a hotel talking and making love non-stop. (What made my stay extra spicy was that we talked about it and made preparations in advance that she would get the birth control arm implant so that I could go all-natural and not pull out .) Some more time has elapsed (with said birth control implant confirmed to be working ) and now we’re making arrangements for her to move in with me at my new place in the very near future (as of last week I relocated and now live in a different state, so no more “Florida Man” jokes for me )
After leaving EVE I’ve been able to concentrate more on my career and personal life. With the time I’ve freed up from EVE, I now have a better paying job with better benefits and more flexible hours, I have a wider friend pool, I have a passionate love life, and I have other PVP/RPG/4X/Economy/etc games I enjoy more than EVE. Honestly, leaving EVE was one of the best decisions I never made, and I regret not making it years ago. There are greener pastures out there, people, especially if immersing yourself with young women is important to you.