OMEGA time of february in days? How to check?

But without tangible detail, how could I inspire y’all to stop pew-pewing spaceships with other men in their 30s-90s and surround yourself with young women :grin: ? But nah, it wasn’t just the ‘tail’. I wouldn’t have been able to get a better job or have more personal time if I hadn’t left EVE. There are greener pastures out there.


I’m not going to say anything to spoil your high, man.

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My job bro, that’s all I’m gonna say haha

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Goombay Dance Band - Aloha-Oe, Until We Meet Again (Starparade, 05.06.1980) - YouTube :grinning:

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I’m quoting this for @CCP_Paragon and whomever they may wish to share it with… as it is very likely the most concise paragraph of pointed feedback I’ve seen (and I was a product manager for 30+ years).

The motivations for gaming are far larger than they used to be, and this particular feedback provides several challenges that EvE currently faces (whether or not the players like to acknowledge them).

Suggestion: Consider an independent analysis of your core usability and game patterns. Consider connecting with Nick Yee and the folks over at for some pretty solid analysis and insights in the genre as well as the industry.

But most of all, take this particular feedback especially seriously. Erosion is the ultimate MMO killer and you couldn’t signal ‘erosion’ better than the quoted paragraph.


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Holy cow, we’re old…

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I appreciate the sentiment; I didn’t even mention my grievances with EVE that motivated my departure :sweat_smile: (though they alone did not prompt me to leave - it was a combination of EVE and non-EVE considerations). The main bullet points of my grievances are: CCP consistently fails to implement good ideas or takes forever to do so (including “low hanging fruit” ideas that are quick and easy to implement in even the most rotten of code bases), CCP consistently implements completely asinine ideas taking stupidity to the umpteenth degree, EVE requires an insane amount of “community-sourced” education to master and enjoy at higher levels (this contributes to a high rate of attrition for new players), EVE practically requires “mandatory reading of patch notes” and “mandatory logging in” to avoid getting screwed over (eg. asset safety in structures changes, etc), and CCP consistently fails to exert control over and foster its own community. On the latter point, I want to highlight in particular the concerns that CCP doesn’t own/manage the subreddit, and that CCP gives imbalanced and preferential treatment to Reddit over the forums for communicating with the community (AMAs, pinging devs, etc). I’m not inclined to elaborate on these points or raise the other grievances because I don’t think they would be acted upon (that, and I’m too busy enjoying my life).

@MB_ThePhotographer of all my EVE buddies, you were my best friend… of the K&P variety

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ouch…i resent that…

I haven’t forgotten about you, Daquan.

Now that I’ve remembered that Fuzzworks EVEMail is a thing I’ll actually check my EVEmail now :sweat_smile:

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eve portal exists too you spazz.

blink-182 - What’s My Age Again? (Official Music Video) - YouTube

If all you left the game for was to play with girls instead of pixel starships and being pissed at CCP, then good for you. I was worried it was far worse like a personal tragedy/health issues, etc.

Fly safe in all your world’s adventures! :wink:

… and don’t get herpes.

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Multiple contributing factors :sweat_smile:

Just one :drum: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

  1. unless you become unsubbed, your billing expiry time will always stay the same hour and minute.
  2. Pilot License Extension packages work in units of 30 days exactly

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