I’ve released my work into the world. It is what it is, and if people wish to misrepresent what I’ve put out, that’s their business. I’m not going to micromanage 100 billion quadrillion zillion people and what they do with my work.
You seem like you have no idea what it is you stand for or for what. Which comes off as wishy-washy at best, and totally intoxicated on some sort of mind altering drug at worst.
Hahahaha! Ah, Mr. Thorne. I’m appreciating the bluntness a bit.
You’re not far wrong. I’m a tentative being, someone who carries opinions lightly, adjusts them easily. I do have a long memory, though, especially for kindnesses and cruelties done. I’m less interested in judgment than in learning, and nuance is something I love.
So yes, I’d seem a little wishy-washy. I see value among the various civilizations, but in a way I’m an outside observer, even to the State. I identify as Achura, but I’m an exile from that world (about halfway self-imposed). My strongest loyalty is to a person, not a cause.
Most of all, I want to be wise. Cleverness is a knife you cut your fingers with.
Do you mean, “yes, I’d stop thinking of the Amarr as a menace” or “yes, even after 50+ years I’d still think they were a really substantial threat?”
(Your literal wording suggests that second one, but that would be odd with the way you framed it.)
I’ll have more to say on this, but I don’t have the time right now. Please stand by…
The former. If they stop acting like a menace for a substantial amount of time, a full generation or two, then I will no longer consider them a menace.
I see. Hm. Well-- it’s not as close a thing as it was under Emperor Heideran VII or probably even Jamyl I. Such a thing … it’s one of the paths the Amarr are debating over. The debate’s far from resolved, at least for now. It seems at the moment the Reclaimers-by-force are having their say. It remains to be seen what the empress will do in the end.
If I chide you for your current feelings-- well, look at it this way: does a Gallentean dismissing Caldari as ruthless, brutal, heartless, ignorant, stupid barbarians make you want to rearrange his face any less?
Treat a person like a threat, and the threat tends to become all the more real, even if it didn’t have to be. The would-be peacemakers have all the enemies they need among those truly committed to war. They don’t need any more.
I’ve decided that I owe it to myself, and those around me to speak my mind. Even if it comes off as insensitive, blunt, or callous. I’m tired of being passive aggressive under the guise of politeness.
But yes, I see you as wishy-washy. But I appreciate you giving me some context to that behavior. And honestly I do see merit in it. But…. -you knew that was coming- how can you have any sort of solid conviction?
I admit, I do not know the history of the Amarr in detail. I am sure there are good people who want to abolish slavery and such. And I am interested in their faith, only for curiosity and understanding sake. I have no interest in the side of using their religion as a prop for propaganda.
They are entitled to think and have their own opinion of the Caldari, even if it’s misguided and ignorant.
The only time I’m compelled to rearrange someone’s bones and organs is if they go after me, those that I love, attack established State assets, or call me skinny. -jk on that last one. I honestly don’t care what people think of me-
Honestly and one has to indeed wonder how such a wordfull speech trying to lit fire for fires sake can not be understood as the underlying norm of the amarrian mindset. That is there is a clearly vissible tendency to overzealously try to place medical and biological technical terms in the position of tools for their conquistatorical impulses.
The degree to which it’s also a Civire cultural value probably doesn’t hurt. True?
(My father was Civire, and I’ve often wondered whether my tendency to be maybe too direct is nature or nurture-- whether I’m this way because I’m half-Civire or whether on some level I think I should be this way because I know I’m half-Civire.)
The question in return is, “About what?”
There are a few things I do believe in, and strongly. I believe in living with humility, moderation, curiosity, and compassion. I believe in keeping my word (and therefore give it rarely). I believe this world is worth exploring, seeing with clear eyes, and understanding-- both of others and one’s self. I believe that “free will” is an illusion, though sometimes an important one; that what we really have, is complexity.
I believe people are too hard on each other, judging harshly and acting punitively when careful observation followed by measured, calculated action might yield better results. (Though I also think that’s probably just how we are.) I believe the main thing standing between us and our happiness is ourselves.
I also don’t think that will probably ever stop being the case. People are people, and people make me sad as they persist in being … people.
I believe order is necessary for humanity, including for ourselves, even when it is founded (as it almost always is) in illusion. I also do believe we’re human, and may the gods, the ancestors, the spirits, and whoever-else-you-please help us if we ever forget it. (Those who’d first dehumanize, then dispose of us don’t need any help doing so.)
I believe if I am wrong, I should learn how and why, and adjust my thinking accordingly.
These are beliefs I hold dear. Most other convictions would I think conflict with one or more, so I don’t have a lot of use for them. Better to observe and take notes on an ongoing basis than to rely on a conclusion hastily-drawn.
Epidemiological studies have shown that behavioral has an effect on gene expression/repression and furthermore, those expressions/repressions can be passed down to progeny. So, maybe?
Oh, don’t be obtuse.
You know darn well what I’m getting at.
But if you need a prompt, let me help you.
Pick something and surprise me.
I agree. Order and discipline are absolutely necessary. And true freedom is found in discipline.
That’s good, and healthy. It’s vitality important to know where one’s shortcomings are, and work on them to improve.
That sounds like wisdom, and oddly, would suggest that you do have convictions.
I’m (usually quietly) an abolitionist. I understand the Amarr’s reasons, but I’m personally firm on this. Not that this means a lot, usually. The Society doesn’t agree, and I’m not even technically a member (just the directrix’s retainer-- a personal bond, not an organizational one).
So why stand by the Amarr? In part (and leaving my oath aside), because I’m also anti-chaos.
Because if the empires take their war total and do their absolute utmost to annihilate each other, what do I think is going to absolutely thrive in the ashes when the empires are bloodied and exhausted if not actually collapsing, even and/or especially if the Empire itself has collapsed?
I can absolutely understand that. We have that in common. The State offers a structured tier system based on one’s performance. An individual is rewarded for exhibiting discipline, and in that discipline, freedom is found, and it wards off plain old chaotic anarchy.
Simple, a vacuum. Which will be filled immediately by those that still hold the most pointy sticks that worked from the shadows. The criminal organizations. So I think slavers fits into that category. But so do a number of horrible other things.