Just seems it would make Eve a job more than a game. I love to mine in my one poor Mack. I find it relaxing after a day at work. I never mine afk, rather I use the time to read about Eve and learn more about it as I find it a fascinating game. Having a fleet and trying to just make Isk for the sake of making Isk would make is so… blah.
Make all ice belts into Cosmic Signatures (like the old grav sites) and have them pop up all over high. low and null. Miners are lazy and just the fact they will have to scan down a sig or even move from one system to another will be enough to deter some multi account miners and reduce the ice botting that is currently happening, giving smaller corps a chance to mine an ice field.
Never give out where you are in Eve. That just leads to ship loss. That’s all I meant. As for a solution? There will never actually be a solution so I was really just asking opinion. I feel a bit vindicated in just knowing that others do feel as i do… That is all.
Locator Agents will get around your having to say. People who want to find you, will. Unless, of course, you’re prudent enough to post with an alt.
Sighs. Is that all ppl think about? The next gank? Did I offend you in some way? Is there some lesson I am to learn now? Maybe my error was to voice an opinion.
Actually I have even better idea. Respawn ice belt in completely other system even in high sec, and make amount of ice in the belt random, but give few more belts so it balances out. In such case the ice would be available to more people, not only those fleets. Low sec could still get more ice than high sec tho.
That’s actually a recipee to make it interesting, as such, for automation / botting. I really think we should refrain from introducing even more incentives to signature botting as that already is beyond stupid these days in terms of scale.
Miners being lazy, or distracted, actually is gameplay. It introduces vulnerabilities, options, it makes them other people’s content and gameplay. When in corporate form, or ad hoc human organisation, even more so, as it becomes a dynamic of emergent behaviour.
If we are really, really, really honest, the simplest - but also hardest to sell - approach would be to limit the number of concurrent accounts active at the same time. Surprisingly, that would also impact a lot of multiboxing (30 rorquals in a belt & all that) as well as organised botting.
Personally I think it is fine as is. There’s a wealth of gameplay in that economic niche, it is great fun to prey on it.
If we want to know where YOU are it’s indeed just a locator and 5 minutes away, what you were asked is what THEIR names and locations are, of the mining fleet you’re whining about. I realise miners generally aren’t the brightest but this was not difficult to comprehend.
It could also be perceived by Kipsley Caton as a matter of integrity not to stir up trouble for the sake of her fellows. There’s no guarantee to the scope of the application of force, should it arrive, and in Eve discretion is generally preferable to just divulging all your secrets in the forums.
The reaction seems reasonable to me. Skeptical and cautious.
OR it’s just a case of yet another clueless miner, I find that rather more believable.
No. Think of it this way. When CODE ganks them then they focus a little less on you. Or in other words, better them than you.
So when you help Ima then you’re helping yourself. Of course if you are completely against ganking in any form, including the ganks against botting, then you become a part of the problem as you’re really just sticking your head into the sand.
Which, if I may say so, makes people look like a bunch of asses!
You are absolutely right. Those poor souls are trapped in a never ending cycle and we need to help them by bringing them the Code and show them their errors because, we just simply know better what’s good for them.
So if you could provide us with the location of said Hulk fleet we could plan the rescue operation.
So now I’m not too bright… (sighs yet again) I just said that the fleets are in my system. Therefore by telling you where they are. i am in fact telling you where I am. Lol. I’m talking to a bunch of gankers anyhow. As for CODE, the whole premise as set down by their mesiar was to gank afk miners, as being afk was seen as being “not in the spirit of the game” and I agree. But that seems to have changed to “Let’s just gank anything”. I’m actually all for CODE hitting those that are dumb enough to mine afk or move freight on auto-pilot, but they now just hit everyone who appears to be an easy target. That or they are trying to extort miners to pay for expensive “Mining Permits” that they then gank anyhow (Shrugs) I accept that that is just Eve. It’s also why I never mine afk, or “give out my location”. My as well paint a target on my ship’s ass. So maybe not so dumb after all. If you are so bored that you have to troll even the forums to find suitable harmless targets to shoot at, I’d say go back to WoW.
Have a little faith?
Not sure what else to tell you.
To be fair, the rescue operation really should follow after the enlightenment of educating them. Properly.
Well… You did say finding me is a simple matter of using Locator Agents and 15 minutes of your time. Find me, find the fleets. 3 of them. The Baccara Fleet. The Alar Fleet, and there is a third with differing names but all still owned and operated by just the one person. Go for it. As I said, I am not anti-CODE. You’ll find them in the ice. Two of the fleets use Skiffs, one uses Hulks. They all have their own Orca of course and a large Transport. Not too hard to find.
New Order scientist have invested countless hours into optimising the education process and we have concluded that to ensure the miner is in an optimal state to receive the message it is important to apply antimatter first.
Lol. I so agree. I used to hate CODE. Then I read up about it. Finally I did figure out what it was trying to do… Even considered joining them at one point, but still much more to learn before I get around to doing something like that.
Lets try again, slowly.
We know your name, so if we wanted to find YOU that would take 5 minutes.
If someone would have nefarious plans involving you, then informing you by asking for your own location would be the least logical thing to do, nor would it be needed.
This means that someone asking for THEIR names, and possibly location to make it easier, isn’t interested in YOU but in the mining fleet you can’t cope with so THEY can cope with it FOR you (and for themselves)
Basic logic and reasoning.
Said the spider to the fly…