It is 10:12 UTC, and I wanted to take the time and give you another update on the current situation.
The unfortunate reality is that the DDoS attacks are still ongoing. They differ in size, method used, intensity, and duration. We are monitoring the health of our services around the clock and working with partners in adjusting our mitigation methods. With our speedy response times, we are managing to keep the impact to a minimum. However, sudden disconnects, problems with accessing EVE, or other issues with in-game chat and Omega statuses can aggravate at times when the attacks get particularly nasty.
This sucks. We want you to play EVE without interruptions, undock with your mates and go on a roam, wind down after a long day at work, or just have fun doing the things you have planned. We have a bunch of cool stuff coming that our developers have been working on putting together and providing you with a quality service to enjoy it is our top priority.
Our teams will continue working behind the scenes on improving the overall situation and we will keep sharing regular updates on the matter here and via EVE_Status Twitter. Thank you for your fortitude and understanding. Stay safe!