Oh, absolutely; when, being the operative word. I had a friend from Tunisia attending Niceville High School (a real place not made up) who had to transfer to another school because the “adults” got involved on a matter that had already been resolved between two students.

She got into a discussion with another student from her region. The “death to America” phrase was used; but it was just young people stretching their wings, one crashing on their words and a peer straightening them out. The students did work it out, but the school still overreacted.

Words do matter and so does context and so very much does it matter how we regulate ourselves as a community. It’s nice to know young people from the Middle East can be just as smart and stupid as American kids. It is proof to me we are indeed all the same.

I am in a discussion right now on Quora about how reason gets run over by irrational behavior. I am getting comments from teachers and other professionals that are so very logical, but unsatisfactory to the issue of teaching students the whole truth and not just that reason conquers all, it does not. We are irrational creatures and not always civil.

As far as forums go I see why Quora has to have so many rules, but rules will never be enough. We need to be allowed to make mistakes. We need to feed the good wolf not just in ourselves, but in each other and not just beat the bad wolf. Have you seen the 2021 movie “The New Mutants”? The story actually talks about embracing our passion not fearing it. Knowledge is power, passion is powerful.

I have seen two incidents in EVE chats that might have been reportable as defamation, but the community took care of it in a civil and thoughtful manner. Most people are capable having the intelligence and the courage to not feed the beast, but rather to do the right thing. Often times it’s kinda like the commercial where what they really need is a Snicker’s bar.

I just heard a Moth Story where a man talked about the time he was tired and almost sent to jail for using vulgar language, or as Captain Kirk might say using colorful metaphors.


His kayak tuned over, he got angry and used some words he would not normally use around children. People nearby heard it, didn’t like it and the rest is recorded in some courthouse.

Sorry this is so long, but your comment is so
right on.

Hate & harassment are not words to be afraid
of either. Not talking about things is what we
should fear.

This is the kind of garbage we can expect from the new people joining from the Dr who community. You can ■■■■ right off with this whole ideology.


This is exactly the new woke POV the latest Dr Who has been morphed into.
Which is why the series is crashing and burning now.

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Removed an inappropriate post.

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Interesting post coming from a game that produces hate.

X HATES miners
Y HATES gankers
Z hates no one until he’s ganked. He lies when he speaks with his feelings forgotten. The anger and shame.

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Been reading your comments in the forum and you don’t strike me as a judgmental person. You seem to be doing your best to discern the situation. I don’t have the passion you do, but that’s on me.

I had to learn not to call people names, it keeps me honest and I find it a good rule of thumb to keep me from becoming too judgmental.

Your algebra is good :); given X, Y and Z can we solve for H? Hate & Harassment will always exist. Is there an online game that does not produce hate, is there a forum anywhere that can keep out hate & harassment?

There is one brave young woman who shared a video of herself being harassed so dreadfully I won’t share it here; she is a hero in my book. It was a first shooter game and she obviously loved to play, but the guys online were horrible. I am not judging them just their behavior, their actions are the kind of thing we do not want to see in EVE please believe me. Her video would make a great DUST episode about courage.

Hate is an honest human emotion. I hated seeing a mother and child sleeping on cardboard on a busy street corner in a rich city is just one example.

Harassment is something my sister does to me when she wants to get under my skin. Harasment is also not allowed in many places, like this forum.

At least you are not afraid of the words. I am just a player who likes what I like like any other player. I don’t hate the gankers, they do add a little spice; but, they do get under my skin a little. I just want to fly and help my community and not make people think is just about hate, it’s not.

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heart or reason

@LionheartTSP Good thread, good read.

Thank you so very much. It has not been easy

bringing this up, but I have grown so much because

of it. I am not the best writer, just wanted people to

have a chance to discuss this.

This is the part of the real world we might especially

like to keep out of EVE, but it’s the part others are

going to make decisions about with or without us.

I do research outside the community to keep

informed; from International organizations like the

ADL to my own IRL community. When more of us get

used to the idea we gamers can discuss this and not

fear the words we will be on our way to showing the

world how it’s done. We can all take a stand against

hate and harassment together.

EVE is an online space game.

Games are no place to talk about real life stuff like your sexuality, politics or religion

I suggest that people do not violate the above unless they have a thick skin.

I totally agree with you. I just want to play too without a lot of unnecessary distractions. That is why this discussion is in Out of Pod Experience. I have seen hate speech, a legal term even if you don’t believe it is real, come up. I am proud to say in the game chat rooms the community has managed it’s self admirably. Community members have managed to deal with incidents that arise in a most responsible way.

If you just read the beginning you would know I was asked to bring this up based on factual information I shared with CCP about this issue.

You are correct and CCP supports that topics like sex, religion and politics have better places for discussion online already. I do not agree that only those with a thick skin, what ever that means legally or socially, have a right to play or be a part of the EVE community.

Your own remarks create a double standard. Perhaps you don’t mean to do that, but here is where we can work out for ourselves, together, as gamers what kind of community we want to have. Some of the rules we play by were made without valuable input from us and we should have a say. We won’t have much of a say if we continue to be afraid of words.

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