Open Letter on the State of Civility on This Forum

I 100% disagree. I know you and respect “some” of your opinions. The game was designed to be brutal as a nitch game. Hench, why I played it. But you have always advocated for it to become a snowflakes game. And now the numbers suffer.

There is no going back, and I understand that, but progress forward should not have to be so desperate that you get an award for just logging on, not even logging in? Meh…

And as I said, bring back the soup nazi’s again! :rofl:

I actually thank them because now I spellcheck spellcheck! :rofl:

Edit; A brutal game should have brutal rules.

Every instance you make a grammatical or spelling error you pay 1 bil ISK to the Magic School Bus. Consider it a drinking game just more healthy… and dangerous (to your wallet). :wink:


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Dude, I seriously hope you’re not going senile because you’re sorely mistaken and definitely barking up the wrong tree here.

I do think game mechanics pertaining to actions verses consequences needs to be more stringent while risk verses reward should be adjusted more equally. Other than that, I’ve never once advocated for Eve to become a snowflakes game.

As for my statement about being 100% in agreement, that was pertaining to this reply about forum behavior:

Not even sure where this next part comes from, it doesn’t even pertain to your initial blasphemous statement about me whatsoever…

More importantly, your entire statement is totally off topic…

Perhaps you’ve been hitting the Yuletide Nog way too much or simply just need some time away from the computer…

Whatever the case may be, you’ve obviously mistaken me for somebody else…


Another toxic diatribe from the antigankers…


Not only main character syndrome, but actually thinks he’s god.

There’s a word for that type of people…

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And there it is, these two posters are a prime example of the forum behavior described in the OP and more importantly, they are self proclaimed gankers as well…


I’m honestly wondering where some of you are trying to go with this. This is starting to feel like the forum equivalent of ganking… This really isn’t in line with where I want to be in 2025, so I’m bowing out of this one. o7

Good evening, Miss Hiroswa,

Thank you for your reply and your considerate wishes. Your message is a breath of fresh air in this thread, and I greatly appreciate your positivity and goodwill. It stands out as a beacon of warmth in what has now become a very turbulent thread.

That said, the replies in this thread have brought to light the very issue I hoped to address when I started it. Gankers, like myself, are often painted as the bad actors on these forums, routinely accused of poor conduct and disruptive behavior. Yet, as we’ve seen in this very discussion, the vast majority, if not the entirety, of the vitriol and personal attacks in this thread originate solely from the so-called “antiganking” crowd or those who would otherwise claim the “moral high ground.”

It is this imbalance, this misconduct, that I sought to highlight, not to cast blame, but to encourage reflection. If we want this forum to be a space for genuine dialogue, then we all must hold ourselves to a higher standard, regardless of where we stand in the universe of New Eden.

I, for one, will take the first step and set aside my differences to pursue this ideal. It is now up to everyone else, including you, dear reader, to decide whether they share this vision and will follow me on this path.

Returning to you, Miss Hiroswa, I want to close by thanking you for the civility and respect you have brought into this forum. Your message serves as a glimpse of what we can achieve if we truly embrace these virtues.

May your Winter Solstice be filled with warmth, and may you sail the stars in the ship of your dreams.

With merry regards
-James Fuchs


That’s exactly what it is and it’s something they constantly do…

Check their posting history and you’ll see at least 70% of their replies are posted with the intention to instigate, encourage and or escalate a forum flame war…

Their ‘modus operandi’ is to nitpick a post they don’t like, find a specific word or phrase and then portray it out of context from it’s original intention…

On top of that they’ll call in their buddy’s and alts to help attack and overwhelm the poster in an attempt to silence or chase them away which derails the thread…

Lastly if they can’t silence or chase them away, they’ll start abusing the flag option which usually results in the thread getting locked… Ultimately it’s still a success in silencing those that they don’t like…

Strange thing is instead of being civil and just ignore or block those that they don’t like, they’ll make a concerted effort to seek them out and initiate more altercations in other threads…


Good evening, sir James :blush:

Thank you for replying to me with this long and considerate post. I like your Original Post about respect, civility and general refined taste as to the post we leave on this forum.

I haven’t been posting long here but I can tell that there is serious animosity between the different members of this forum and it saddens me to see the different ways people try to hurt each other’s feelings with mean and demeaning words when respect and consideration are free to give.

I have read a lot of disturbing posts from both sides it’s true, although the gankers on this forum have clearly received the brunt of it. Although I would like to point out, as my dad always says, that it takes two to tango and that the fault never rests on one side only. That said, some of the replies have been very crass and shocking from the “antigankers” but somewhere in my mind there is a voice that says some of the replies may have been triggered by the gankers
themselves? Even though it doesn’t excuse anything.

Regardless and nevertheless, revenge posts are never okay and the whole forum’s reputation is brought down by this silly rivalry. Ganking, Mining, Hauling, Exploration… they are all a respectable way of playing the game and pointing a disparaging finger to any of them is very childish and does not become Capsuleers of worth and respect.

I really appreciate your efforts to highlight the issues and stir the members of this forum to a higher standard of posting as I am sure, being adults, we are all capable of. It really hurts me to see grown people acting like children and does not incentivise me to adult and go out into the world on my own.

I command you, James, for taking the lead into pursuing this ideal of mutual understanding and respect for all members and I really hope many more people will follow you into this bold stand you are taking. I too strive for a higher ideal, one where I can make members of this forum and people in general feel welcome and even cared for. This world does not need more antagonizing but more love, compassion, understanding and caring because if we cannot manage to do it then we are in very serious trouble.

I want to encourage you, James, and indeed all of this forum’s members, to see past petty differences and reconnect with who we all are as equal members of a society that is now ill and needs saving. I believe that only by turning to ourselves and righting our own behaviors can we heal it and make a brighter future for ouselves and our children.

I thank you for your kind and gentlemanly words and I wish you a vey happy Yule season, James. May your wishes come true and your ships be lightning fast into the ether of space. :blush:


Is there a difference between a self proclaimed ganker…and a ganker ? I’m just wondering if self proclaiming adds more DPS or something.

Then two posts later your point is proven:

You should report him for stupidity.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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See, that’s a personal attack.


It’s not an attack if it’s true. Like calling you ugly.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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Oh see, that’s another one. If this is how you behave in the civility thread, I wonder how you act normally?


Blame spellcheck. :roll_eyes:

Already have…

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Believe what you like. Call me what you want. I still respect some of your posts.

EVE was designed to be hard. When the best mining ship in the game was a battleship, I don’t think mining was high on CCP list of priorities! :rofl:


Only if you are trained to Level V in Advanced Lack Of Humour.

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