Good evening, sir James
Thank you for replying to me with this long and considerate post. I like your Original Post about respect, civility and general refined taste as to the post we leave on this forum.
I haven’t been posting long here but I can tell that there is serious animosity between the different members of this forum and it saddens me to see the different ways people try to hurt each other’s feelings with mean and demeaning words when respect and consideration are free to give.
I have read a lot of disturbing posts from both sides it’s true, although the gankers on this forum have clearly received the brunt of it. Although I would like to point out, as my dad always says, that it takes two to tango and that the fault never rests on one side only. That said, some of the replies have been very crass and shocking from the “antigankers” but somewhere in my mind there is a voice that says some of the replies may have been triggered by the gankers
themselves? Even though it doesn’t excuse anything.
Regardless and nevertheless, revenge posts are never okay and the whole forum’s reputation is brought down by this silly rivalry. Ganking, Mining, Hauling, Exploration… they are all a respectable way of playing the game and pointing a disparaging finger to any of them is very childish and does not become Capsuleers of worth and respect.
I really appreciate your efforts to highlight the issues and stir the members of this forum to a higher standard of posting as I am sure, being adults, we are all capable of. It really hurts me to see grown people acting like children and does not incentivise me to adult and go out into the world on my own.
I command you, James, for taking the lead into pursuing this ideal of mutual understanding and respect for all members and I really hope many more people will follow you into this bold stand you are taking. I too strive for a higher ideal, one where I can make members of this forum and people in general feel welcome and even cared for. This world does not need more antagonizing but more love, compassion, understanding and caring because if we cannot manage to do it then we are in very serious trouble.
I want to encourage you, James, and indeed all of this forum’s members, to see past petty differences and reconnect with who we all are as equal members of a society that is now ill and needs saving. I believe that only by turning to ourselves and righting our own behaviors can we heal it and make a brighter future for ouselves and our children.
I thank you for your kind and gentlemanly words and I wish you a vey happy Yule season, James. May your wishes come true and your ships be lightning fast into the ether of space.