Open Letter to CCP

1 minute later, I did not open the letter.

3 minutes later:
Where are we supposed to buy a ticket to harass the author by making false claims that nobody understands him and other gaslighting while spying on him ?

I read to this part, as I disagree with this part, didn’t bother to read any further.

CCP have tried in the past to spread people out, mission agents problem was those close to the borders of low-sec started giving you low-sec missions. Players moved away from those agents.

Those that are happy to go into low-sec, WHs etc already do.

Those that remain in high-sec remain there because that’s where they want to be. You won’t force them out of high-sec into low-sec, null or anywhere else if they don’t want to go. You will just force them out of the game.

Seems to me it’ll just be history repeating itself.

If this was RL you could force people to go where they don’t want to go or make it so they have to go in order to be able to afford to live. But this is a game and as such you can’t force people to do things they don’t want to do.

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Wall of Text hits your ship for 50K damage (obliterating)


You have plenty of soft and easy space games around, leave Eve to people who like it the way it is, deep, dangerous and toxic. Damn, the game is already too easy, i miss the “don’t forget to upgrade your clone” stuff…

Sorry, but I did not make it past this line :point_up: .

Is this just another tears post from some farmer trash that thinks because resources get scarce he will not earn as much ISK as he used too and now he predicts a mass exodus of players because of this completely wrong assumption?


Wow, and I thought I posted walls of text…

I might try to read this tomorrow.

If this is the only way you could think to do that, you dont have enough imagination to tell CCP how to run its business better.

Hes not JK Rowling

Though he does write like him

Yes so read the tittle ; Futur update goal by CCP:

I you disagree why you see it : You disagree outcome CCP hope.
So you agree with my argumentation.

Problem is difficult != boring.

Ahem… for you maybe, for me problem solving is what makes Eve great.

Wrong assumption.
As i have already said in comment (and if you haven’t read the text ) : I don’t mine.
CCP haven’t nerf my incomme really (and it’s a too marginal gameplay, so unless CCP want to adress a very specific gameplay in theory i will not be affect by change for upcoming years so …).

The post is more about how CCP make update, and why they make mistake on outcome prediction. And why this kinf of fail make we loose player. If you read it and think it’s farmer tears, you are totally wrong, i just use the next update as exemple.

How can you know this?

Do you know what their prediction was?

They announce it…

Link to their outcome prediction?

You know, this isn’t a live economy where people lose jobs and starve to death if thing change. This is a game and the most important aspect of it is that things are lead to interesting gameplay overall and not just for a nishe of farmers and wanabe space empire warlords.

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They have made a twitch about this (the same day they make annoucement if i remimber). Some comment also on a CSM post on reddit.

An anecdote is not a link

Ho well better:

They’re devblog have a short summary to of the outcome. so i will just quote :
More movement in Lowsec - and potentially more destruction
Increase of mining ship losses
More market transactions for ores/minerals
Mineral income from refining items to increase
Prices of minerals to change

So yes they assume people will go make mining in other space like LS.

I agree with their assessment. This change will introduce new opportunities with more risk that will lead to more conflict and destruction.


More tears in 5…4…3…2…1…

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