I have been thinking for some time that it would be good for us players, and CCP, to open access to the Sisi test server through subscription (for a certain price, one-time payment or monthly, determined by CCP but low cost). Let me explain, I saw it implemented in another game (Escape From Tarkov) where the option is offered to players, for an extra price to the cost of the game ($ 20 in a single payment) you are allowed access to play on PVE servers, without access to other pvp players allowing you to play poorly against the AI, complete the missions, and enjoy the game without the pressure exerted by the rest of the players, the game is exactly the same, to enjoy the game without the pvp requirement and the disadvantages that it has, and I said to myself, wOw, it would be incredible (remembering the times where sisi is always open) that ccp gave us access through subscription to sisi, we could test the fits, visit the lore sites, fight against drifters in whs, test mechanics and places that we cannot do on the real server because it is unsustainable, understand how the anchoring of structures works, help new players, train them, enjoy the parts of EVE that we cannot enjoy due to the nature of ourselves, the players, if we want to They think, there are hundreds of parts of eve and content that we never tried, we are hundreds or thousands of players who would like to experience and try eve online content that is not possible to do under alliances, corporations and players control certain areas.
new players could test their ships, their fittings, how the data and relic mechanics work in whs, drifters, lore, uff so many things.
I UNDERSTAND that ccp closed access because the test server reveals a cost, and that cost increases with more players, also, I imagine that when it was open to everyone, the players hindered the developers and made their work difficult, just as the resolution of conflicts required support, etc., in short, everything would be problems.
I honestly think that many of us would pay a subscription, and I also think that players would behave “honestly” when paying, it would only be through real money to access, and always subject to the conditions of ccp so as not to interfere with the developers, they could offset costs of the test server, and use the new players to perform tests, the server would remain under control without going crazy as it happens when it is always open.
I remember that one of the moments that I enjoyed the most in the game was when I became obsessed with making a fit for revealed, to be able to farm only whs c6s and the drifter, it took me weeks and dozens of tests, dozens of fits, but I got it, I had a lot of fun in those times, that is something impossible on the real server.
From my point of view, perhaps wrong, it would be a win-win for ccp, the developers, and the players.
Each fiteo cost about 12 billion, I lost more than 30 revelations, and only at the hands of the NPCs, if it were on the real server, I wouldn’t have been able to even get to the entrance of the wh.
Since I don’t know who to present the idea to, I’ll do it here, if it’s not possible, or ccp doesn’t want to accept the idea, or they think it’s horrible, from my point of view we would all win, it would make the game easier for everyone, more fun, we could try and lose as much as we wanted in any mechanic of the game and once we’ve controlled it, do it on the normal server.
Anyway, I appreciate the time that dedicates to me and the community and for attending to the request.