hi all, been out of the game for a spell due to IRL and now my tower has died faster than i devour a large pizza.
wanted to throw out a concept which i think might help with player retention, currently people have said about the game being “too grindy” ratting is a pain because you gotta keep moving, building anything requires ore from all areas of space.
well this got me thinking about the game Pokemon GO, how they had Regional Exclusives, this was meant to help encourage people to trade, however due to social circles (as i believe this happened before covid) not everyone would be able to trade to complete their codex thing in a timely fashion.
so the games company decided to do a regional migration, i believe this was done every 3 months the regions exclusive monsters would shift and cycle through.
i was thinking that perhaps this concept could be applied to ores and help keep people who have set up in regions be a bit happier with the state of affairs in the game, this way you don’t have to go to every region of space to build a ship, you’ll get the ore, just eventually providing you’re not fighting over it.
i figured this would be good to put into the megaroids coming out, maybe there could be some kind of rock composition where the megaroid isn’t like normal asteroids where you can simply target it, but rather a large cluster of smaller but dense rocks which have different but desirable mins in. balanced and scaled appropriately of course.
perhaps something to consider.