Any updates?
I live in Miami Florida, but will definitely make the almost 4 hour drive to come hang out with you guys, especially if it was for a 2 day hang out! Please come down here! East Coast US deserves some love too!
Guard (I think) mentioned it at fanfest. Still in June but he didn’t give a date. They mentioned it when they were talking about future events for next year. It’s definitely a scouting mission for next years east coast event location.
There’s a Florida eve fb group?
Its Called Eve Florida
Got it! I wasn’t looking under groups so for some reason it wasn’t coming up for me.
Folks, the question is about a good venue, not about wether you like or not like Sea World or the city itsself or whether you like some other palce in Florida… as some of you might have realized from Fanfest presentation, this is not a pub meet, but more like EVE Vegas. So think multiple day event, affordable & cool Venue and Accomodation and maybe some cool things one could do instead of Party on Top of the world, Pubcrawl, CharityDinner or BlueLagoon … those are the things CCP is looking for (I think).
Speaking of BlueLagoon I can throw in Pricy but well worth the money.
And of course … !!! … A bus tour to Kennedy Space Center … !!!
“Its a Trap”
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