I’ve submitted Bug Report EBR-194611 on 04-05-2020 about this issue in the game, I’ve also posted about it a few times here in the forums and still no acknowledgment from anybody at CCP about it.
This Market item issue has been happening for almost 2 weeks now which should have been quickly addressed and resolved.
Women’s ‘Farsight’ Augmented Spectacles
Buy and Sell orders are not being listed in the Market.
Market search option won’t recognize it as an in-game item.
Auto-Link to item for text in chat won’t recognize it as an in-game item.The item will link when dragged into chat and clicking the link will show the item info box.
Right click on item info box will only list ‘View Market Details’
(‘Find In Personal Assets’ and ‘Find In Contracts’ options not listed).
When ‘View Market Details’ is selected the Market window will open but it won’t list the item.
I’m just trying to purchase 4 of these items, if I was setting up buy and sell orders for these items I’d be pissed for paying ISK to list those orders which the Market won’t list.
@ISD_Dorrim_Barstorlode, can you please pass this info to CCP.