Some asked about a statement from CCP about warp timers, here it is:
Personally I don’t like introducing an extra module to remedy permabumping.
If such a module is introduced, a generous cooldown timer should come with it, maybe 10 minutes. A freighter who just got away using this module should dock up asap and scout ahead or select another route since he obviously has the attention of pirates.
I took another approach on dealing with the issue of perma bumping (NOT ganking, NOT bumping to set up a gank - perma bumping) in following thread, maybe some would like to take a look: Bumping mechanics
I suggested a spool up timer of 200 seconds to cover the 3 minutes warp timer initially proposed by devs as fix for perma-bumping, so i don’t think it needs a cool down timer as well.
The 3 minutes spool up timer gives plenty of time for any sloppy gankers to get their senses together and attack the freighter.
Is the perma-bumping who can go on for half hour or even much more, the one who needs to go away.
But from the linked url (as from 51.42), I don’t recall hearing CCP Fozzie ‘promising’ any such changes, and that video link is dated in 2016 (3 years ago!). Since then, it has not been implemented in-game, yet.
If such a topic from a CCP dev/team has been ‘skipped’ until now (in 2019), did you ever consider that it might have met overwhelming oppositions from the beginning? That’s probably why they also allocated that topic to last slot of the presentation (when everyone’s too drunk/asleep to care)? So, what do you hope to accomplish with a new module (or any other bumping thread for that matter)? Nothing. And high sec pvp is a multi-trillion isk industry on a yearly basis, why would CCP chop down that industry’s revenue?
Come on now, let’s be objective. Your bumping issue (if there ever was one) will find no ‘fixing’ anytime soon. You boys should find alternative ways to counter it - as do the majority of players.
You boy are a goon or goon pet who just make the usual lobby for your lame group interests; if CCP had not implemented the perma-bumping fix because folded to goon pressure, is just another hint about in what dip s…hole is EVE at this moment.
So you boy can sing at another table, if devs and ccp choose to be the goon’s pets is their business, but that don’t mean i will stop from asking the right balances for this game.
Oh boy! here you go again bursting into flames I was merely analyzing and commenting on the vid url that you had linked. And frankly, wouldn’t CCP already had envisioned a change for something they mentioned 3 years ago? So yeah, my point was not to abase your solutions, but to underline what’s the point in fighting big brother when you cannot win. But should you want to persist, please by all means keep at it.
I’m no goon member, nor anyone’s pets I just am aware that there’s the need to destroying things so that the industry keeps rolling in new toys. During events alike ‘Burn Jita’ (a positive, Goon invention btw) industrials do make alot of money selling the tools people need for that event, right? 5k of T2Dcu sells within ten to fifteen minutes in Jita during this event. So it’s good, yeah. Same goes for Ganking it’s healthy for the market, and if you consider this line of thought, it might also be good business for those few haulers who get ganked (sometimes). It’s a game, sometimes you lose, other times you win, no biggy.
Some people are educated to give up easily, others not.
Is now obvious for me that was more the pressure from goon-base lobby who made developers to not implement their version of perma-bumping fix, than some technical issues, as your statement just come to support that.
That is a shame, and as CSM already proved, is always just goons the ones who get their needs meet very expeditious, while other categories of players are completely ignored.
They got their desired combat interceptor nerf to make their farming bot land in Delve even more safe, got freighters wrecks HP buff in no time and so on.
Again, just a big shame.
In an ideal universe, your wishes would be granted in a blitz - but we’re not there, are we? And there’s more than just goons in the ganking industry, maybe you should cross border and join the ‘dark side luke’. You’d be amazed.
The module i suggested in this thread can make a change and bring a balance that even CCP felt that is necessary, but as you said was some lobby made who stalled this initiative. Also, you say that may be other groups interested in this issue as well, but you forget that only the goons have 3 (three) members in CSM. As you see EVE it is the ideal universe for goons, as their wishes are granted in a blitz by devs, so is no wonder that they are so attached of this game…
So the fact that goons was the ones who pushed back on this game balance is the only logical conclusion.
No need for inertial if you have a webber.
No need for scout either. They just can’t catch you. The issue is when the game requires you to play with alts.
But yeah if you don’t play with alts, use inertials - however it won’t prevent bump. So the issue is always here.
By the same logic, it should be possible for that character that is currently bumping freighters, to instead be able to gank them solo, so bumping isn’t required at all.
That isn’t really a reasonable thing, and the reality is, there’s a range of different play in the game, some of which requires or greatly benefits from alts.
Capital size ships fit into that. Just about every single capital pilot in the game has alts. Trust just about dictates that you have your own cyno alt at times. Carriers, dreads, supers, titans, jump freighters - they all are high-end play that benefit from alt accounts.
Freighters are no different. It’s not a requirement, but there is great benefit in having an alt for webbing and there isn’t anything bad about that, because the whole style of play is purely opt in.
The game doesn’t require it, because the game doesn’t require that anyone fly a freighter. It’s a choice people have and just as ganking isn’t a solo activity, moving a captial ship safely through highsec isn’t either.
Edit: Actually that isn’t quite right. Actually moving freighters through highsec is a safe activity. An alt just makes it even safer.
wtf ? you need several toons to bump a freigther ?
Also you can always aggress a freigther solo, no issue with that. But this is not the topic.
freighters don’t use cynos.
You are confusing two definitions : jump capable ships and ships that require capital materials to build. Freigthers fit in the later but not in the former.
I agree with that. alts allow for safer trips, whatever is your ship or system security.
Yet people in freighter can be subject to perma bumping (which may or not end with a gank, like jumping through a gate may or not result in a gank)
Trying to separate the bumping from the eventual outcome means that no alt is needed for a freighter either.
If we are going to ignore that bumping is a prelude to ganking and only consider that it’s a solo activity, then the freighter has nothing to worry about at all. They are perfectly safe, since no solo bumping character can kill them.
No problem at all and the whole thread is a waste of time.
Yes, which isn’t the point. Jump capable capital sized ships move safely using cynos. Capital ships that aren’t jump capable move more safely in highsec with webs.
In both cases, the movement benefits by having alts. Freighters aren’t unique in that regard. It’s consistent across the whole class of capital sized ships.
It’s high-end gameplay, that is not new player based and people who take on the low risk, can choose to mitigate it even further than the mechanics of highsec provide, but having an alt. That’s purely a choice.