Philosoraptor on EVE (Deep thoughts about the game....)

I’ve read your article, and the responses, and I am not asking for any such thing, no restriction. I know how much money I have to spend. If I spend it on Eve, it’s a switch game I didn’t get, or a plex box here.

There are addictions, and then there are ADDICTIONS. I’m not laying the blame at ccp’s feet. I still, sorta, at times, enjoy this game. I spend in reasonable proportions to my income, and eve is far less than two percent of what I make.

My main claim against eve is that they play the addiction game, without giving me anything. Content creation is, by a large margin, the single most expensive part of any game development.

CCP plays it both ways, they say ‘oh, complete freedom, we let the players do whatever they want!’

Mhmm… True. Within a coded system. A skinner box, within a box. Do you, really, let me do whatever I want?

No, you don’t. You provide illusions.

I know illusions. Trump trashed my favorite illusionist of all time, Penn Jillette.

Your article, while true, in context, is not in context, here.

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