Two! Just to piss them off!
Since this is the endgame, about how much longer can we expect?
When is the projected demise of PIRAT?
This is like watching old people eat.
Just get on with it. Most of us couldn’t give a toss who wins. Between Natural’s smarming repetetive VD and Cyber’s flailing and failing CTA it’s gone from mildly interesting to another Marmite v (select a capable merc group) ■■■■ slinging contest.
That said watching Saltiest Project dry hump the favorite is always fun.
I don’t know who you are, but that was funny.
where do i sign up
From the anti-pirat coalition with love …
Clonekiller noone needs your content !
oooh big impact i see
Todays evening, i was trying to join citadel bash fleet vs. pirat.
First, i was trying to find any public channel with instructions or peoples to know what to do. Next step is convo guys specified in reddit, no answer.
Dont give up - i told yourself, take a ship,get combat probes(coz was sure that citadel isnt public and hide) and flying to Ono. In Ono im finaly find the Cyber Fighter, he’s sayd me to dock to nearest stasion and wait.
Then some guy invites me into public channel, russian guys dunno what to say and call me a spy. After that im undocking and watch interesting theme, some guys(like me) inject combat probes to find necessary structure.
But saddest thing is the pirat canceles most wars
This pretty much sums up my last 10 years in eve.
Hello Pauz,
thank you for your feedback .
It was clearly my fault that it was a bit a weird situation for you.
Believe me its a hell of a workload to coordinate so much different groups (sometimes with different languages). At some point i had 8 communication requests (at the same time)…
so iam pretty done after a timer like this.
that is the difference between a movement and a alliance fleet.
I will setup more infrastructure for guys who arrive alone like you. At least i saw you made it on the killmaill its your piece of eve history.
Best Regards,
Cyber Fight’r
I have a ShtirliZZ corpse for sale if anyone’s interested. It’s slightly damaged, also my freezer packed up a few months ago so it’s a bit whiffy. Willing to accept offers. Can provide wire coat hanger if you fancy having a go at getting the implants out. If I find the other eye I’ll post it to you after the sale.
Yeah, organize is the hardest part. if you do something you think everyone else understand you, but in 99% its not
Howbeit, thank you guys, ya doing awesome job.
This game needs changes, always. And ruining/breaking things always create something else new.
What happened to all the POCO’s in Halibai ? They where all omega and friends but now they gone to Badical Turbo Radness. Is that an alt corp of PIRAT maybe ? and what about the PIRAT gate campers in leva haha
How is the endgame going?
Is it over?
In Avengers endgame the Avengers won in the end. Doesn’t look good for op when we go by the title.
I’m just concerned because if the miners kill PIRAT, then the mob will come after CODE. and I’m a princess, so I’m scared of all those pitchforks and torches.
Yes. The Great Goal is achieved and after this kill there is no more PIRAT.
Feel free to go home, folks.
You have won.