Places to visit in Eve

trade hubs
shattered wh

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The world is hollow.

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Here is my todo list

Also the Eve gate got a graphics update:


Heh, Iā€™m glad that I seem to have all of my bases covered so far. Itā€™d be kiiiiiind of embarrassing to have missed out on something! If anyone has any additional suggestions for Eve Travel or things that I might have missed, Iā€™d love to hear them. Feel free to DM or message me in-game.


You missed the best homeworld of them allā€¦

Intaki V (Intaki Prime)



Ouch. Sorry about that.
You know where you can find me this afternoon. :flying_saucer:


Everyone must visit Tama once in their playing life. A Lot of casual action there.:see_no_evil::hear_no_evil::speak_no_evil:

Met my current wife in Tama at an Exotic Dance Club, she was bouncing, put my drunk ass in a shuttle home. Even secured my frigate in her :rocket:station. Parked my Interceptor nice n tight, not a scratch. Gentle soft handsā€¦mmmmm.:barber::right_anger_bubble::hotdog::sparkler::cucumber::sparkler::lips::point_right::ok_hand::rabbit2::banana::peach::lipstick::bikini::candle::restroom:


I somewhat agree. I guess whatā€™s visible is supposed to be a remnant mark of itā€™s collapse or something.


Khanidā€¦everyone should visit Gehi with a loaded freighter.

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Yeah, I often go through Pator while traveling from Hek to Rens or Rens to Hek because the warp across Pator is so much shorter than the warp across Lustrevik. Do you mean youā€™d never even jumped from Lustrevik to Pator in your whole time living there? Or just that you hadnā€™t warped to the planets?

Come to think of it, Lustrevik is a system you get some missions in during the SOE Epic Arcā€¦ perhaps you set up your base way back when you did that? If you did that? Come on, surely thereā€™s a reason you chose Lustrevik as your base in EVE. ;D Iā€™ve had 5 base systems in EVE and still have ships and assets in all 5 systems, and I had a reason for each one, usually to do with trade hub proximity yet some peace and quiet.

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Awesome shot, man. Gotta love that Cloud Ring nebula as a backdrop for sexy screenshots when in or near Syndicate. ;D


I probably jumped into and out of it again many a time, just never thought of it as the cradle of the Minmatar Republic.

Never done a SOE so thatā€™s not it, but I do know about the many ā€œhome basesā€ in EvE. Have a small handful myself.


The Lustrevik is the crossroads for PVE activity ā€“ very comfortable system to perform missions, FW and combat sites. I have a mission BS docked there. A system with 3 security agents level IV.
In 3 jumps range we have:

  • many mission agents level IV (Security, Mining, Distribution, Epic Arc);
  • COSMOS mission agents;
  • Career agents;
  • Hek trading hub;
  • top R&D corporations;
  • NPC industry facilities (so donā€™t worry to stack assets for rigs).

In 7 jumps range we have:

  • access to 6 different regions;
  • Hek and Rens trading hubs;
  • Sansha, Angel and Serpentis rat systems;
  • FW (Amamake, Dal, Auga);
  • fast and relatively safe access to Null-systems;
  • one of two available in game SoE level IV security agent in 0.5 security system.

The blog EVE Travel contains almost all possible places to visit in EVE. Exceptions are amazing nebulas. Near Lustrevik are constellations Barvigrard and Ani, which every capsuleer should visit to see maybe the best nebula views in game. The Minmatar nebula views from Barvigrard and Ani is so magical and mystical like old EVE character avatars.


The other amazing nebula views I saw in Khanid close to the Kor-Azor region.


Ya, that is nice:grin:

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Home of the Akat Mountains :person_climbing:


Every player-built Keepstar.

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Yes, Iā€™ve enjoyed the red and rusty skies of Lanngisi and surrounding systems many a day while grinding SOE L4s for the LP. :wink:

Also very true. The nebula visible from Khanid space is almost TOO big when in Kor-Azor (the blinding bright blue-white core covers so much of the sky and makes it kinda hard to see anything when your cameraā€™s pointed that direction)ā€¦ but when viewed from Khanid, itā€™s a lovely sight. Rusty circle with a blue-green background and two fingers of rust almost touching across the middle. Reminds me of the Sistine Chapel, in fact.


nice idea, right after reading this post, i wanted to visit those places :wink:
anyhow, i forgot it for a while sic!
but now, after nearly half a year, i take time to travel to the beauty places =)
iĀ“m very interested, what i will see thereā€¦
(sry for my english writing, itĀ“s not my mother language)

fly safe


No mention of Old Man Star? Thatā€™s connected to one of the chronicle stories and worth a visit.

Are there any of the Static DED sites left? I know there was one out in Khanid kingdom that I always proved down. Iā€™d get all excited thinking i found a good combat site to run only to realize it was the static DED 1/10.