The lower the radius for manufacturing the better. Is there anything definitive on what is actual best planet for yield? It seems to me two planets may say same yield but actuality is different. Is there a definitive way to tell?
Smaller the planets the more resources (PG/CPU) you have for infrastructure.
Gas giants are horrible since they are HUGE.
As for yield: I argue to you that first you need to establish what space you are in as yield goes up dramatically in WH/NS/LS.
Are you going to keep your PI cycling 24/7? Real life strikes or you simply forget. You miss 1 cycle and your stuff idles for even a few hrs is it worth it then?
Sorry, for not actually answering the question but I argue you are looking at PI the wrong way. Your yield will be massive regardless if you are in NS/WH space. Just find the planet with the highest yield % shown on agency or on the UI and plop down your base. Simple as that.
Yes planets of the same class do have slightly different yields in the same space.
Anything outside of HS is a way better planet yield anyways. Invest in a blocade runner.
It is a h/sec query. 24 hr cycles. I was basically looking for highest %/lowest radius planets, but it seems so far radius, % and actual amount doesn’t necessarily correlate, thus confusion. Looking at two identical percentage planets, lets say 25% supposed yield, two of similar radius may differ wildly on actual yield, making choice hard to calculate. (And yes all my problems would be irrelevant in any other space )
the extraction yield is “better” on a smaller planet as the reccources will be closer together, (same amount but on less surface space) meaning less pipelines = more power … but that isn’t really a real problem if one plans before building stuff.
the reccources do move over time, so its difficult to make a perfect plan and/or compare two planets as they will be always somewhat different, the best way for this is to overproduce to prevent shortcommings to make the rest of the installations skip a cycle.
also keeping the cycle time low helps alot … (maximum extraction time 4days 3 hours, and daily resetting them)
AFAIK planet radius only increase the length of the links. The PG/CPU of them being base+lengthĂ—mult.
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