Planetary Interaction - Does P2->P3 (or P4) ever make sense?

I used to go p0 -p4 and then build structures. this worked well for me as it shrank a truckload of PI into an easily sold small item. This really worked well for WH life as logistics can be a pain.

It makes perfect sense. OP just doesn’t realize that there are ppl who have planet count over hundred… in such case it is not important if some planets make million or two less a day - what matters is that we don’t have reroute planets every couple of days. By my count I could easily make over 150K a day of any P2 from P1… the thing is that if I did the prices would crush in less than a week. And then I would have reroute planets and process would repeat.

This. Make your homework, stop asking for people to make it for you.


Only once you make your homework. Correctly. Otherwise you just don’t know.

The answer is very simple.
A planet installation will average CONSUME Xin of materials, will average PRODUCE Xout of materials per action cycle. It will also require Xm money to put the material in and out, which value depends solely on the tax and the quantity of items produced and consumed. It also has a minimum and maximum action cycle time, which mean how often you can and must interact with it.
The worth of a planet per action cycle is thus cost(Xout) - cost(xin) - taxes(Xin)*0.5 - taxes(Xout).
With cost being the total value in isk you get from selling the items, eg the buy order from the - the 10% buyback charge.
Then you need to take into account the min and max action cycle time. The min/max gives you the time rigidity of the action, the worth/max the hourly worth.
please note that the min value must be high enough to consider your RL schedules, makes no sense other wise.

You can make billions per month with factory planets and I used to stop at P3. I also had my own POCO’s in an out of the way system, was able to pay haulers to move stuff each way and easily PLEX accounts. But OMG, the clicking! It was all the clicking that made me stop!

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All the clicking is also why I have settled on doing just a setup for almost everything and stopping the bits that generate the loss for the time they generate loss… which usually is less than 2 weeks. some would say : why not reroute? Cause I can’t be arsed to do so many clicks on my Hive Mind of alts…

That’s the moment when you start thinking in M/clic and no more in M/hour.

That’s why in the previous post I was not talking about the comparison metric. Because people who don’t get it will not consider it , and even think you are stupid to consider it.


I made some money on P2->P4 and I made all P4 items. Some sold well, others took a bit but I always made a profit. I just used my own spreadsheet and built P4 on one planet by dumping P2 on it and let it build. 24 items in a day or 12 items in a day depending.

The biggest benefit was the ‘compression’ of the PI for moving to market. I could do it all in an epithal vs. a freighter.


Build complete structures for better compression.

According to a spreadsheet I made ages ago and have not updated in literally years, you should be able to make several P3s profitably. I’ll check one here just because I haven’t touched this sheet in so long and who knows if it’s still accurate, or if its market API pulls still function. According to this, I should be able to make Cryoprotectant Solution and sell it:

At the Jita Sell price for 102,942.94 profit per run (NOT per unit - per RUN).
At the Jita Buy price for 80749 profit per run.

Cryoprotectant solution:
Output: 3x
Jita Sell: 114398
Jita Buy: 107001

10x Test Cultures @ 7339.71 ea (there is technically a very small qty at 6700 I am ignoring)
10x Synthetic Oil @ 6898.75 ea (there is technically a very small qty below this at 6100, I’m ignoring that)
10x fertilizer @ 9786.93 ea

Raw mat cost, forgive the rounding: 73397+68988+97869 = 240,254
Output at jita buy: 107001*3 = 321003
Pretax profit of… 80749.

So yeah, looks like it still works. You’re on your own for POCO taxes, I didn’t have any at the time.

I have not done PI in a very long time but my experience with it in years past was always that it was pretty volatile, and the profitability of any given item would jump around substantially from week to week. I’m pretty sure this is largely due to the rather “spikey” supply from people dumping large loads once a month or whatever.

It does look like there are profitable p3s and p4s but not at expense of p2s.

Either buy the inputs or stick to making p2s. Tjat seems to be the case and the reason is how much p2s have to go into the p2 and p4 process chain.

It seems you’re better off just giving up harvest worlds for factory worlds as you can afford to buy more inputs.

There does seem to be plenty of p3s above cost.

Im deeply interested in what you do about not crushing markets. Or is all you produce just consumed in null?

Spread the production across multiple goods and do some P2 → P4 chains. I also make a lot of t2 which consumes a bit of what I make. At my planet count the goal is not to maximize revenue from each and every one of them but to have long term profitability with not too much work to be done.

or just have X of each item on sale, on a jita market alt, and add more orders when the values is lower than Y (eg Y=10% X)
You can use the daily average volume.

Always nice to find myself being quoted as a ‘resource’ :smiley:

Those factory setups are capped out in terms of CCU-V Powergrid and CPU along with balancing the input materials. They’re all setup in sub-groups of factories to maintain constant production until the hoppers run dry.

The Extraction planet is a CCU-IV setup. With CCU-V you could indeed add a few extra factories, maybe another extractor.

One thing you might have missed is the ‘interminably lazy’ part of the title.

All of those factory setups are run over 2-day cycles. The extraction setups can take upwards of a week to fully fill up both launchpads when run on a four day cycle. You could easily re-design the extraction setup to have less on-planet storage and more harvesting powah if you’re prepared to check it religiously every day.

Using the POCO as extra storage, I only needed to actually warp off a citadel once every ~4 days for factory planets and keep constant production ticking along.

As for why the apparantly wild price differences between P2, P3 and P4 when you crunch the input costs: lots of the market for P1 and P2 is to fill a hole in someone’s local production chain, or it’s a Fuel Block component.

People mostly crack all the way to P3 or 4 for hauling purposes, higher tiers generally ‘compress’ the inputs, sometimes by an astounding amount like with Nanite Repair Paste. This boosts the ISK/m^3 value in a jump freighter actually higher, regardless the apparent extra paper profits to be made selling the inputs.

depending on the POCO tax rates you can actually lose isk as you move up the scale. Many of us make P4 products to support other recipes such as MTU, and Structures. For small plans in high tax areas I actually set up a planet to go from p1 to P4 all on one. If visited twice a day it makes about 20 P4
Otherwise, for isk generation I stop at p2

Well, I got too many planets to visit twice a day and at my scale it ain’t that hard to negotiate better taxes. I do a lot of PI in low sec though in area with 5% tax pocos.

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