Planetary Interaction Weather pattern predictions for future forecasting and stuff

i wasn’t suggesting 5 should ever produce the same as 50, no no no, that’s just silly. i was just pointing out how much stupid clicking there is when you build them at the start. or need to make changes to multiple factories.

it would be nice if you could save setups so when you need to make a change you don’t have to sit for hours and hours sorting them out. the manager says hey change production to x and stop y he doesn’t need to be there doing the actual work, there could be a timer related to a setup in progress. so no instant setup just less sitting for hours upon hours clicking the same thing over and over, you’ve a good few planets in place so you get what i’m talking about.

you wouldn’t need weather pattern predictions if you could move an extraction setup to the other side of the planet with one click, it isn’t a problem when you’ve just a few planets, when it’s over that number things begin to take a dive south and you end up sitting for hours sorting it, not a whole lot of fun if we’re honest with eachother :wink:

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I agree to a point, I like the idea of saving a pre-config that is already routered or not even routered but saved so all you have to do is drop and go, with that spending 5mil give or take a few mil pending on your setup, just to do a snapshot across the planet would get costly to after a while. Maybe if there were more expensive factories that cost more let’s say 10mil more so 15mil to 20mil to set up PI but no more power or CPU then the base ones with a mobile system or it all packs up into the command center and the command center moves to your place of choice as this would make it mobile as well it would help in saving ISK rather than set up a new one every time.

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yes that would be correct :slight_smile:

Cool, glad I’m understanding what you’re suggesting.

What do you see as the advantage being to getting a higher yield later rather than right away if you place your extractors directly on the deposit? Are you thinking that this would be a mechanic to offset some of the lost yield when using a longer vs. shorter harvester cycle?

Just trying to suss out your idea here so I get what you’re looking at.

Well it would make sense that the longer you go/deeper the extractors work into something the more you would get, it wouldn’t all be sitting on the surface, so the longer you go into something there should be a burst of higher yield provided you hit a rich ore vein, the point of the extra books would be to look for said richer ore veins in the case of “Geology”(Barren PI), there is only so much a topical sensor should be able to see, just as an example.

why? it’s ground penetrating and should be well able to give the results needed considering how far into the future all this tech is.

OK, I get where you are coming from. So, this seems to be a bit different from what I took from your original post, but I might have misunderstood.

The way the current mechanic works is that the longer you have your extractor heads set to run, the lower your overall yield will be. This is essentially a balancing mechanism that trades yield for convenience (i.e. micromanage it- get more vs. set it and forget it, get less).

The way I interpret what you are requesting is something kind of like rigging skills- something that you can train to offset the penalty that you incur for setting longer extraction times. Something like, for each level trained, a 5% reduction to reduced yield due to extractor run time penalty. Each planet gets a skill, but the general mechanic and bonus for each planet is the same- sort of like reprocessing skills for ore.

Not saying I agree or disagree, but is that along the lines of what you are thinking?

You do know what Dust was right?

Good, then don’t make dumb statements like above.

It should have limits on what it can see, all I’m wanting is for stuff to move around and maybe a way to predict what will happen, if it happens the way you predict or not that’s another story, and add ore vein making it the deeper you go the better it gets.

Yes I know what Dust was, closed-beta test here, still waiting for the next would be Dust on PC!!!, and it was sarcasm lighten up! outside of Hulks and mining Frigs what was the last mining ship put out?
yours Truly, Justice Darling
campaigning for reps on freighters
lol :wink:

In this universe, maybe.

Just a CCP two weeks, only took what 7yrs for POS sorry don’t quote me on the time frame Only been playing EvE since 2004

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