Planets and PI for everyone, POCO lifetime

I guess I need more practice because it wasn’t so obvious to me.
Anyway, thanks for pointing out the obvious troll thread then. I guess that means it will stay open for another thousand posts.

A POCO that’s not being used should eventually decay wouldn’t that make sense?

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It’s not necessarily a troll thread, lots of people are super serious about their “the game would be better if it was easier for me personally” ideas. They tend to be very obvious and lazily constructed without pros, cons, checks and balances. They just want “moar” and personally I’m not even going to bother seriousposting in those.

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Alpha with afk destroyer should do the trick

Hey cool, then you saw what I archieved. I did it all with one character. I did like it to manage that whole system. I did harvest the planets, I did mine a moon. I made my own fuel and items to run my stations and to support my starships.
Of course I dont like the tax to the Poco owners. The tax to Concord I dont mind, because they send police if someone is attacking the poco without wardec.
It could lead anyway to more diversity. PI guided me to a athanor. Then I was in need to have my own Raitaru. It was a good reason to be omega. More diversity is a win-win situation. Tell me how to crush down a poco if you are in a tiny corp?

Ally yourself with other small corporations? That was a trick question, right?
Besides rallying other small corporations under your banner you’re basically S.O.L

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If you don’t log in for years your assets are still there when you come back so why would the POCO’s decay, solar winds?

Because it suits him.

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In my war I tried to ally with other small corps. I tried to forming up resistance but time was to short. I saw them all desperate and leaving eve. I tried so much, I asked miner corps for help. I asked big corps for help. I asked pve corps for help. I asked mercs. Some corps that refused to help me got shattered after my fall. Have a look at Amarr space. Its now like a desert. In the end it will impact whole eve if there is no way for small corps to get a piece of the sandbox. Even Gankers will be bored if no Tayra comes across the line.

Did you know that the ISS (International Space Station) needs sometimes a push up to stay in orbit?

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Thats okay. But it would cost some ISK’s. Right now it costs nothing. But maybe they would aswell tolerate tiny corps. I am sure those tiny corps would defend their planets. Maybe they would be then something like a passive member. Could be a win-win situation.

Oh okay, can you send a link?

Why would people help you? Carebear corps aren’t going to make targets out of themselves, Merc corps aren’t going to help unless you pay them massively (and they’ll turn on you anyway either directly, later or through alts or friends).

Besides even IF they’d help successfully then the next war, which would be a few days away, they’re going to stop bothering.

As said: might is right, be part of a capable corp where all members benefit from such an operation and you might just contest and continue ownership.

Nobody gives a F about some solo crying for help. And I say that as a mostly solo player.

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yup. I just hope the corps dont cry then if ccp must raise the monthly fee because the playerbase did shrink? I like Eve alot, I had no problem to pay a monthly fee for omega or to spend some plex. But right now, for what do I need omega??
Anyway I see now why you became a troll, you are bitter.

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Ah yes, the “the game would just have a lot more players if things would be better and easier for me personally” logic, and by that I mean “logic”. So obvious and so transparent it’s actually insulting.

Nothing is stopping from you doing PI.

If it is not being used / is abandoned then attack it and take it out. POCOs are weak you can take it with 1 ship, just takes a while. Another way is to message the owners offering to buy it off of them, or as a variation, “sell it to me or i’ll blow it up”. If you attack and they defend and you are weaker than them, just keep dong it over and over. If their main operations are halfway across the galaxy eventually their members will get bored of defending/lack of content/repairing it and will give up.

just what we need. another complicated game mechanic that gains absolutely nothing of value. so what if the POCO sits there. it is a target of opportunity. if it is gone is serves no value to anyone. other than yet another set of ongoing calculations behind the scenes to determine if a structure is acitve or not seems like a wast of dev time where thare are still things broken in game that need attention.

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In HighSec will come Concord if you attack without a wardec. This is suicide because if you wardec will bigger corps come for a nice core. And the Systemowner are all big. You recive with the wardec instantly the spot were the HQ is. HQ can be Athanor and above. If a POS would work as HQ, then it would be maybe okay. Yes, you could ask them to buy the POCO but for some reason, they are far to rich to even answer you. I suppose they have a reason to block player from owning planets. maybe they want them to flow into NullSec or whatever. Or it might be a great business because player are still doing PI and pay the tax.

What things are broken? Eve runs perfect. I think its not difficult to place a timer script