There are a few issues that absolutely need to be addressed, at least for a starting/returning player.
1 Hi Sec ganking (I know… and really it’s an issue)
2 Insurance payouts… wtf?
So first to preface this - I’ve been away for 10 years, I’m getting back into the game solo while I look into all the new things that have come up. I’ve made a few mistakes and I’ve quickly adjusted but these were things I expected. Everything has been going fine until the other day, which comes to the first point. FYI using a web to warp a freighter is not really feasible anymore. (Good piloting on the tengu pilots part)
I’ve been reading the past few weeks about all the Hi Sec ganking… I figured it was people that didn’t understand how to stay safe in Hi Sec buy avoiding falling into game mechanics. But obviously this has changed quite a bit. Now not only can you not avoid it, but its common for -10 pilots to be flying around in Hi Sec (… HIGH SECURITY).
You could theoretically make a bunch of alpha accounts and cycle them as need with less than 2 mil sp to fly bombing destroyers. There is NO consequence for that… none. I thought this was a game of consequence? Appears it’s only when it’s perceived one way. So at this point I’m debating whether to even use the play time I have left on my accounts or just quit all together. There is NO safety … no, let me play with expensive kits so I can explore higher end abbysal sites or … gather a mess of materials with the chance that I get things built fast enough that I can catch a market price on the high end when I put things up for sale… everything is pretty much at a whim of being ganked. EVERYTHING. So why bother getting back into the game and learning a few things before jumping into other areas… and if I can ever take a break from less casual play, why even bother to play at all? Dead serious, why even have war decs at this time? Pretty much worthless. So yeah… if that is what Eve wants then that is what they will get. At that point my advise to any and everyone would be only play in the capacity of a ganker, as that is the highest isk per risk value in the game. Doing anything else is a waste of time. Unless that is the goal… CCP is looking for players to buy plex to support their losses to gankers? I can’t help but wonder, as anyone that is smart enough to figure out the various ways to make isk in the game, is smart enough to realize that is the #1 way to make isk.
My second point …
Insurance payout for a freighter… Platinum 147,926,442.00 ARE YOU KIDDING ME
And it’s like that pretty much for all ships as well. Why even bother with insurance? Maybe it’s time for an insurance rebalance … they had one back before 2010 at one time.
Ganking is most definitely avoidable. Alphas haven’t been able to gank in high sec for years now. Ganking has been a thing for 22 years. Long story short, you’ll live, snowflake…
Omega is an Account Status, not per character.
So, yes, if you have an Omega Account you can indeed train up all three character slots into gank cattys and cycle through them if you so choose.
You must track all the kills to see what time frame on what days you can go pick supplies from Jita?
AND THEN hope it’s not some off day, because they do vary.
I mean sure you could pick through some data and spend days going through it and continually do so… but it still leaves one big question… You could also say… it’s a freaking game in Hi Sec, so if I have to be bothered to sift through all kinds of data just to do one thing (mostly safe) then why do it at all. Seriously that is the kind of stuff you do for life in lo-null sec, not what was ever expected in hi sec. Now if a gang of Macs showed up and buffed concord damage and took you out, that is a completely whole other story.
Where is the consequence for ganking in Hi Sec?
As I pointed out, life is so much better being the ganker, why do anything else. Therefore the game is busted, unbalanced.
Seriously it’s like you don’t pay attention. Ganking is nowhere near what it was 10 years ago, not even close. As I pointed out, it’s now a serious way to make isk, when you are in an organized group, a very profitable way. Low risk, high reward. Hauling materials … high risk, low reward. It’s quite simple math really, and very unbalanced, but if you can’t wrap your head around it, that is ok… I wouldn’t want you to melt thinking to hard
That’s what I thought, not that you really need to as the consequence for ganking is quite low, and even then it’s not hard to spend a few days hunting tags, or even buying them. Not that you can’t live with a clone with even -10 status setup in hi sec just for ganking. There in lies the issue, the consequence is so far out of balance.
This is the wrong question. What should be asked is where is the accountability for the action of ganking? Presently it is just a function of ISK, as security status tokens can be bought to counter the losses incurred for ganks, essentially making it an activity the rich can do with impunity.
Yes… that is a good point, but you don’t even need that.
The easy way to setup for ganking is just to have an upwell loaded with fit destroyers to grab at will (and a clone bay). Nothing will ever stop you even at -10 sec status. Completely unbalanced and broken.
And… when there is nothing there but a what seem to be randoms, and one of them bumps your freighter before you can warp… even when you web it? I’ve scouted gates many times, even gone through lo sec systems as shortcuts. I mean seriously, I used to fly an iteron V down the 0.0 pipe often enough watching jumps per hour ect on the gates … cysnoral fields spoil current 0.0 residents.
When you get to highly traveled gates, it’s not like you can pull up 100 pilots and see if one of them is someone that is not on a gank killmail because all they do is bump you and warp off when the gankers jump in system.
I mean it can be well orchestrated in such a manner that you have no clue unless you have a long list of known gankers and know they are online in the area you are in. I may have been out of the game for 10 years, but I still understand a well planned and executed trap.
But that all still comes down to one thing, there is no balance on risk vs reward. Any player that knows anything will figure it out and soon all you will have is various gank squads 24/7. I mean that is what I would do, it’s not that hard to set up, especially once you seen how it’s done. I mean lets just have CCP stop all the incursion/FW and indy improvements because nobody will want to play that route as it’s not the best way to go. Gank corps will grow and eventually cover all the choke points to major trade hubs.
the point being if there’s a suspicious looking Machariel, or other potential bumping ship, sitting on the gate you don’t jump your freighter in.
The good folk at PushX and Red Frog routinely shuttle freighters all over high sec. You don’t see them in here complaining about gankers. So there’s another option to move your stuff, just pay one of the major freight companies to do it for you.
On review of Changes to Security Status & Abyssal Filaments | EVE Online this does seem to be what the notes describe. This is indeed broken, as any miscreant can simply use their hauling alt to provide a steady stream of replacement ships.
No, I %100 agree this is a broken mechanic, -10 should forbid the ability to undock in a ship as it forbids the ability to dock. The current system is meaningless in effect otherwise.
PushX moved a freighter load of stuff for me recently, I found the price to be very cheap actually.
Here’s the thing: there are NO safe spaces in EVE.
It’s one of the foundation principles the game was designed around.
Given that people have been complaining about it for 20 years, I don’t see suicide ganking being removed from the game. So it’s up to you to deal with it.
In the vast majority of cases, a successful gank starts with a poor decision on the part of the gankee.
Make better decisions. Learn how to avoid it.
Don’t freighter unscouted through known ganking hotspots like Uedama.
Probe out wormholes around where your stuff is for one that goes where you want your stuff to be. Might take a little while, but you’ll find one eventually.
There are a huge number of ways to avoid it.