Player-made ships

My pirate faction corvettes would like to have a word :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes its sarcasm, those are still bad, just less so than the default ones


Fitted corectly they can carry out low level missions for new pilots.

True, but they could do it better in a cheap T1 frigate.

It’s nice that new players can get a free ship though to do such missions, as a fall back option. Which is the purpose of Corvettes.

But if you can afford it, and most players can, you would be better off using a (cheap) real ship instead.

When I started 2017 I had to do many things in the starter ship, I don’t remember handouts like there are today.

I think the purpose is a fall back if you lose your only ship with no ISK.

If you had nothing left, you can rat or mine in high sec with a corvette until you can buy a frigate.


But beyond being a free fall-back option, the corvettes aren’t any good at anything.

100%, agree with you.

For practical use, I don’t think it has one.

Early in my Eve life I was in a 30 man fleet of corvettes looking for PvP. Entire fleet Only had one or two kills and ended in fire when someone got a good bomb run on us.

Was a great night.

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Velator takes down Venture…

( actually I looked up Velator kills expecting to see a handful of cases but there’s hundreds of them…especially as part of large ganker groups )

“Velator takes down stationary defenseless target” you mean? It’s a throwaway cyno venture, anything with nonzero dps can kill those.

Just for clarity, I’m not claiming Corvettes cannot do things, just that there are better options for pretty much every single thing Corvettes can do apart from the role as ‘free ship’.

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I’m not sure that tells us anything we didn’t already discuss.
Corvette with tech 2 blaster fitted killed a Cyno venture that didn’t bother to put anything in the drone bay.

I’m thinking that two light drones in the venture would have changed this stories outcome.

However we already covered the use a a lol ship

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A regular Venture would have been defeated anyway…a pair of Hobgoblins are not going to deliver the same DPS as those Neutron Blasters so the lower tank of the Velator isnt going to matter much. But I was more interested in the hordes of cases where large ganker fleets have included Velators with Neutron Blasters. The sheer number of ‘kills’ including such Velators is way more than I expected.

I guess it makes perfect sense for gankers wanting to reduce their costs.

Ah so his gimmick is pretending to be a new player.

Got it :smiley:

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