Players that give large amounts of isk away


Players that do WHAT?

Iv given noobs isk to help them or to replace a ship Iv blown up, but Iv never met anyone who gave me any isk.

I never give noobs isk because they will just waste it. I only take their isk, because I know better than them how to spend it.


No amount of virtual currency is worth having in exchange for your peace of mind. If you’re happier without it then you’ve made the right choice.

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There’s only one thing worse than a beggar… the guy giving him money.

Help Channels are worse than Jita. Ban them.

I agree. Stuff is WAAAAAY better.

@Iceacid_Frostpacker once gave me an Orca on the promise I drove it about all night in Null Sec and got it trashed. I have the screenshots to prove I did it.


This explains why I had trouble gifting people in a contest a few months ago. I wasn’t giving them ISK. Instead I sent out prizes in contracts and got some weird mail back, thinking I was attempting to scam them. Oh well.

I better not comment on this subject beyond that, unless I want another week off the forums. It isn’t like they beat me with rubber hoses or anything like that, I wasn’t allow to post here and they deleted the free cookies post that got me into trouble.

I see some threads got locked while I was offline. Too bad, I had some opinions about them too. But I have learned some important life lessons here;

  1. Don’t speak your mind or they will hurt you.
  2. Don’t gift other users free stuff in game or they will hurt you.
  3. Talking about chocolate chip cookies are bad, offering yours to the staff, will get you hurt.

I guess public contests and fun user events are scratched off my “to-do” list.

Have fun! :grinning:

Hope this doesn’t get me into more hot water. :smirk:

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I really still this very day do not remember doing this,. All I recall was you asking and at the exact same moment I was buying an Orca at Jita4-4

Sadly though I only remember Maggie being taken away from me by … name with held.

Positive side I have blueprints to produce another,


I really dislike your comment

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