Reject isk transfer options for wallets

it would be nice to have this option, I would feel better about playing EVE if the option to auto reject incoming isk both as a player and a corp, were to be implemented into the game.

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Why? Send me all the isk you want. I promise to put it to good use


Yeah, perish the thought man…

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I’m really struggling to understand why this would be a problem.

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What’s the problem?

If you want to send me 1 billion ISK I won’t stop you.

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I’m not sure why op is against it. But i regularly help out new players. It’s not uncommon for random people to just shoot random amounts of isk to them from 10-100m or even 1b. Recently we had a player given 60b in less than an hour of playing.

This all sounds great right? It’s not. Imagine being sent 1b when on average you’re able to make 15-20m an hr. It can drastically disrupt early game progression.

The players given 1b tend to have nothing to work towards and it becomes just waiting for skills to train to have any sense of progress.

The player who was given 60b spent a good bit of it on skill injectors but was still hit hard with a sense of “what now” any isk making activity didn’t feel like it was making him much and he had very little interest in PVP. He had no real understanding of the market but wanted to be an industrialists. Most players start out with things like ammo, shuttles, maybe frigates to get an idea. None of these felt like they were making any money and as such progress with what he started with.

So i could see myself not telling new players to auto reject isk donations but at least warning them about it if it was an option.

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i think you all fail to realize from my original post is that this is intended on being an opt in option, meaning you could if you wanted to, reject any and all incoming isk donations.

this is not a post about getting rid of isk transfer between players in anyway, just giving players and their corps the ability to turn it off should they want too.

I realize that, but don’t see the point.

In the rare case you don’t like ISK you can say ‘no’ and send the ISK back. That doesn’t require any game changes.

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Is someone you killed donating you 1 ISK every minute to annoy you or something? :thinking:


sending ISK can be used as an intel tool.

Block an alt, then have the alt send you some ISK.

I have to give this a thumbs up. The more options players have …

did this. what intel exactly is it giving

I am legitimately curious as well.

So when you propose a feature or idea, it’s best to accompany it with an explanation as to why it is desirable or needed. Otherwise developers will just pass it up.

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myself and one other have given reasons as to why, though im still not sure what intel it gives