Please change the war declaration mechanics - The cost MUST GO UP - Make War decs, a proper reason

The post can be deleted and another made, easy for him to fix, so no excuses.

In which case you need to fix your dodge of the filter. No excuses right?

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I would say this absurd complaining over a broken quote tag is pointless and needs to stop, but TBH is there really any more constructive discussion to be had in another carebear whine thread?


No, this thread has been pretty much exhausted. The OP has stopped responding and if nobody else replies it will sink into oblivion and even the borked quote can be safely ignored.

Within moments I edited it to note the actual source of the quote to prevent that

Don’t worry this poster is a bit…well…your fine.

Guess the gaming press are joining the argument:

“War declarations need a serious overhaul to allow groups of friends to safely form social corporations”

By the way, you guys should totally go rip the idiot who wrote that article.

He is a bit of an idiot. Set up a private channel, stay in an NPC corp avoid war decs and get the social benefits.

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“I’ve always considered EVE Online to be more of a long-term social hobby than a game”

I think that explains it all. The author thinks EvE Online is Second Life.

It’s only PvP in Null where there is no need for war decs or ganking. I doubt if Marmite would ever travel so far as the deepest depths of New Eden to engage PvPer’s. Why? Because its too easy to war dec a small corporation and blast their ships apart.

One good thing about the war dec system is that you can provide assistance to a corporation that has been war dec.

But because of the thousands of alts that are used to trap players into joining a war against Marmite for example that are simply AWOX corporations that Marmite uses to then gank the ally the War Dec system is broken.

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It’s amazing that a game which has long term benefits for remaining with friends is compared to a game where long term benefits for remaining with friends in space ships shooting at each other. It’s like they have absolutely nothing in common.

“Friends” in video games are about as real as those 500 “friends” on Facebook he probably has.

My God…you sound like my wife…

I think that as times and technology change and old institutions are displaced by new ones the concept of community and friends is also changing. Whereas in the past people used to go to church, various local organizations, and so forth, the internet is allowing people to form different communities…are they better or worse than what has preceded them? IDK.

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Okay,I agree war is not fair,but if you look at the war’s from an logical perspectiv why should allow you to kill your opponent only by paying 50mio? I think there should be a system implemented concerning PVP-Wars
The money you should pay should depend on the PVP-Activity of Your Opponent .So it’s pretty sure that the party you the war for 50mio can fight back

You’re operating under the assumption that the cost is meant to be a deterrent to declaring war, like it’s supposed to some kind of barrier…It’s just the cost of using the mechanic.

Similar to the cost of using jump clones or setting up a corp.

It’s not meant to judge whether your targets can defend themselves and never should. If you’re in a corp, you are declaring to the game you are READY for warfare.

Don’t like it? Don’t be in a corp.

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Mate, it is. At some point wars were 2 million isk a week. They ramped it up specifically to pull newbros outta the equation. The cost ‘s really meant to be a deterrent and it’s still workin’ as that. Ya need to be lookin’ at who can’t pay it, not at who can.

This is a good point. Making wars cost as much as they do now is unfair to newbies who wish to engage in war. The cost should be reduced to zero ISK.

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Why’re ya fuckin’ with me?

You’ll have to show me where it says that…

The 50mil isk isn’t intended as a barrier. Just the cost of doing business. Even the way the cost goes up against bigger corps is because you have more targets. It’s still not a designed as a deterrent.

For all you know the cost of decs went up in 2012 because it’s now harder to avoid decs.

mate, i just realized that that’s not the devblog ya should be linkin’. i am not talking about the changes made in 2012, but before that. for the sweat on my skin, i can’t ■■■■■■■ find the ■■■■■■■ devblog about this. it’s been ages.