So the only thing you’re hung up on, is the fact that I used the word griefing?
Griefing, again, isn’t per say something that needs to be against any rules. There’s a ton of griefing in just as many games, which is generally considered griefing, even if its purposely implemented.
Change the word to whatever you like. My suggestion as stated previously, will still balance out the current war dec mechanics.
War decs, as intended by CCP (since you seem keen to refer to them):
As inflation hit, and the game progressed, this has turned into a cheap way of making HS a PvP playground for a selected few, rather than a way for corps to be able to solve disputes or compete over strategic territories or assets. The latter is the part that definietely should be kept in the game - and encouraged and made accessable.
Having huge alliances war dec carpet just to get easy kills from carebears, industry corps and newbie corporations, shouldn’t.
That’s my opinion on it. Which of course not everyone will agree with (and certainly not those who are part of laying down the war dec carpets).
My suggestion above, still allows a small corp to do a war dec for 50 million. Which is the way it is today.
Are you saying that a small corp can’t afford 50 million? Are you saying that we actually need to reduce war dec fees as it is now, since small corps can’t afford them?
Perhaps you should re-read my original suggestion.
Like I mentioned in my original post, those prices by themselves isn’t set it on stone. You expect your opponent to jump into 30 different corps? Within 1 week?
Get real man.
If you change it to make it +50 extra on top of the original standard 50 mil war dec fee for each additional war dec, instead of using an exponential, then you’ll still get to solve the war dec carpets, while maintaining the ability for a small corp to war dec.
The tenth (!) war dec would then cost you 500 mil. As an example.
Oh, btw. In case you didn’t know. You can actually drop your original war dec, in case everyone jumps into a new corp due to the war dec. Problem fixed as it already is today.
Perfectly legal troll with shell corps is perfectly legal troll with shell corps. Already exists in game. You’d notice if you actually cared to do some homework before you made your suggestion. It’s also in your second reply:
With alpha accounts you can make a new account per shell corp, deploy 3 pilots in 3 stations so you can always pop in and get the reinforcement timer on any station you have, and NOTHING is stopping this. There is also nothing stopping me from letting my entire membership go NPC in high sec space and using an invite only chat room. In the meantime I will let my npc mechanic approved armada of alts do the trading for the memberships because there’s nothing stopping it.
Quite real man. You just don’t understand I can make you waste money like an idiot by playing these shell games. In addition I can keep my entire corp in NPC status with an alt character (can be same account) so that you have zero ability to attack without suicide ganking which (amazing as it may sound to you) I can defend against with fleet boosts while my Skiff NPC corp group CONTINUES to mine with impunity against your silly expensive ship group that can’t fire without blowing themselves up. But we only continue to throw isk at the problem.
Wtf does reinforcement timers suddenly have to do with this?
You’re just listing viable ways of evading a war dec. Which basically boils down to:
Go into an NPC corp
Stay docked
Use jump corps
It’s ridiculous by itself that those are most often the only good ways for a much smaller corporation to steer clear of a war dec by a larger corp/alliance. But that’s not the point here.
The point is war dec carpets. And you successfully wrote a novel, not adressing that issue what so ever.
In terms of fixing war dec carpets, my suggestions still hold true.
If I have a structure and you are willing to attack it I can keep it in low power mode until you actually begin attacking, log in a station sitting idiot, power on a service, and now I get another week of time before you can blow it up.
Perfectly legal. In addition I know exactly which structure you’re planning to attack because each structure I have built can have a shell corp alt in it for this purpose. I’ll have a minimum of 24 hours to put enough fuel into it.
I’m actually listing ways to make it more expensive for attackers. But amazingly you have managed to learn something.
It’s excessively stupid and annoying but the best defense for your membership is to be NPC. Let everything else remain shell corp out the yinyang. This is how you protect your high sec structures. It is 100% legal. You can use multiple people on multiple alpha accounts to support this function should you choose. In addition I can always unanchor a structure and have an npc corp ship ready to scoop anything you declared war on and I don’t have time to reinforce abuse.
I asked what it had to do with this, not for you to explain it. I understood the method, and the purpose, from the first time you wrote it. Once again, wtf does this have to do with war dec carpets?
You still haven’t even comprehended the very basis of this topic, and what’s being discussed in it. Much less my post, which you ignorantly decided to reply to.
And I have yet to learn something new from you, that I didn’t already know.
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This is how you will avoid your “fix” and how shell corp games will not change blanket war dec players.
A thing that already exists as defenders and is being used to shell prop up structures all over new eden not only in high sec space, but low, and null.
Everything is just converting isk into more isk and more logistics which can be completely automated with current game mechanics of paying bills on the main corp to the shells.
Incidentally now I can station my kill forces with alpha pilots all over new eden so that when you are actually online I can just log in at your system and start killing so the war is now EASIER for the blanket war dec players to bring TO you.
Aww… you can’t see how a shell corp can be made to keep shell war costs minimized and blanket war dec people will be encouraged to do it. Too bad. Will happen with your change. You undock at Jita. I watch you warp towards Perimiter. My alt crew with tackle is now waiting for you in the corp you didn’t think was active because it’s been at war with you for 3 months and never showed up in your system.
The issue is that what in other games is considered griefing is considered legitimate and normal game play in EVE. Calling some thing that is legitimate and normal griefing is not going to get you far.
“Griefing” is exactly what it says on the tin. It is the intention to cause grief as an objective instead of as a side effect of reasonable game play.
The line between what is griefing and what is gameplay is difficult to see from the outside, but if you could peer into minds you’d know it was griefing when one person behind a keyboard wants another person behind a keyboard to suffer and they’re going out of their way to see it happen.
People do not PvP to make real people suffer. A game frees us from the constraint of having to cause real harm on people to engage in a player vs player contest.
Most healthy people don’t suffer when someone jumps their chips in checkers. Most people healthy don’t suffer if you take their king in chess. In the same way, people don’t suffer when you take their ship in a PvP game.
It is possible to go out of your way to make people miserable, but I don’t find that most people do, They shoot things because that’s the way the game is played, but wish no harm what-so-ever on you, as a person.